Need he with culling


8 Years
May 6, 2011
I appologize if this is in the wrong place and absolutely will not be offended if it needs to be moved. I need some help from the pros here.

I had 3 chicks hatch sunday-monday that have leg issues. One is on the mend and seems to be doing much better. However, the other 2 only seem to be getting worse and arent eating/drinking on their own, or moving on their own. I have tried making splints and read everything I can find on helping them out, but it seems the harsh reality is going to be that we need to cull them. I just dont know how. I need some clear, step by step instructions on how to do this in the most humane, simple way possible. It is going to be a difficult thing for my husband and I to do and I want to make sure we are prepared and do it properly. You can tell me here or via pm if you feel that is more appropriate.

Thanks in advance.
I am so sorry you are having to make this difficult decision. It's never an easy one. Growing up, we would cull our chicks by holding a bag over it's head, taking VERY sharp scissors, and just cutting off the head. It's messy for the people doing the culling, but it's the most humane way to do it as long as the scissors are incredibly sharp and you can do it in one quick cut. Our neighbor used to freeze them, but I couldn't ever bring myself to do that.
Ok I'm not an expert but I have owned pets of many types for years. Sometimes with small creatures like this, it's ok to just make them as comfortable as possible (segregate them from the rest) and let nature take it's course. It won't take long. Others may disagree but this is my belief. If this is not something you can do, it may be worth trying to find a sympathetic vet/local farmer who can do it for you. Sorry for your troubles.
Ok I'm not an expert but I have owned pets of many types for years. Sometimes with small creatures like this, it's ok to just make them as comfortable as possible (segregate them from the rest) and let nature take it's course. It won't take long. Others may disagree but this is my belief. If this is not something you can do, it may be worth trying to find a sympathetic vet/local farmer who can do it for you. Sorry for your troubles.

This is the only thing I could ever do in this situation. Its not possible for some people (including me) to take any creatures life. I've had a couple chicks surprise me and get better! Good luck to you in whatever you choose to do :(
I bred pedigreed cats for ten years and know the pain of watching a baby that is dying. I was never able to take the life of a kitten; I let nature -- or mom -- take care of things. Once a dying kitten recovered and she's alive today nine years later... but I digress. The idea of freezing a baby in a bag is that they will go to sleep due to hypothermia and then die before freezing. A cat breeder I know does that. I've never tried it. I honestly have no experience with chickens but I give you my empathy.
Read a post the other day about using vinegar and baking soda to make CO2. Sounded pretty humane but don't remember where the post was. Might try doing a search.
The fastest and most humane way I have found to cull small chicks is to double up a couple of plastic grocery bags, place the chick carefully inside, place chick on a hard surface(sidewalk, driveway, etc.) and then use a large rock to swiftly end it's life. I know it sounds aweful, but if done properly their death is instantanious, and the use of the bag not only helps to contain them, but also removes the visual of death from the one doing the culling. I know that there are other methods, this is just the one that worked best for me. If you decide to cull the chicks and have any questions please feel free to private message me for more detailed instructions.

I hope your little chicks make a full recovery.
The fastest and most humane way I have found to cull small chicks is to double up a couple of plastic grocery bags, place the chick carefully inside, place chick on a hard surface(sidewalk, driveway, etc.) and then use a large rock to swiftly end it's life. I know it sounds aweful, but if done properly their death is instantanious, and the use of the bag not only helps to contain them, but also removes the visual of death from the one doing the culling. I know that there are other methods, this is just the one that worked best for me. If you decide to cull the chicks and have any questions please feel free to private message me for more detailed instructions.

I hope your little chicks make a full recovery.

This is how I do it also. Had to cull one yesterday that had major leg problems. As hard as it maybe to do. When they are suffering you just have to push threw it and do what needs done. I know personally I would not want to suffer. Don't think I would like to freeze to death.... Unfortunately to is part of the responsibility you take on when raising animals. Big hugs to you!!!

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