Need Help and Advice on how I can save my Guinea


6 Years
Mar 25, 2018
It sort of came out of nowhere but my male male Guinea (Piper), who was perfectly fine up until today, is suddenly very lethargic and tired and just lays there sleeping which is unheard of for him!
It has been the same story all day today and now im very worried.
Piper doesn't live in the coop he is more of a Pet really. We would be mortified to lose him.
Google is the worst place to look for any guidance on anything because there are so many different things out there there's no way to ever know...
I just need professional opinion on what could come on so quickly and what i need to do to help him!

Piper is a bit over 5 months old.
Vent area is clean and clear.
His poop is liquidy, clear, and had an almost greenish color in it.
Crop feels to be empty and i havent seen hit eat alt all today. I offered him treats earlier to see if he would take them. He lethargically pecked at them but didnt even open his mouth or eat any.
I don't have anything i can give him atm and anysuggestions would be helpful
I usually give them baby parrot food through a syringe (advice from the vet when my first one got sick) when they have a tummy bug. He'll be dehydrated and that will give him the water and nutrients he needs, maybe some homeopathy or antibiotics too.. good luck.
I usually give them baby parrot food through a syringe (advice from the vet when my first one got sick) when they have a tummy bug. He'll be dehydrated and that will give him the water and nutrients he needs, maybe some homeopathy or antibiotics too.. good luck.
I got him to drink a good amount of water. Luckily he's a cuddle bug so handling him is never an issue.
A vet I spoke to suggested I give him a little bit of apple cider vinegar with the water and he has perked up a lot and is being more active. Still a bit sluggish but has really improved! Taking him to the vet later today regardless though!
Thank you for the help!

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