Thanks guys I am 100% it was a crow it wasn't a loud crow though! I'm new to chickens I've just had them a few months so I'm no expert!! I'm just now figuring everything out! I was told these were pure breed I drove 2 hours to get these and a couple Phoenix! I thought Ameracuanas can be white? Or is just thaf yellow feet are out of the question for the breed standard? I swear I'm just figuring out how dirty people can be in the chicken world! I think just because I'm a girl they think they can basically screw me! I was sold some bad eggs as well and a weird "pure breed" Mille fluer! I really can't believe he sold me 2 roosters as a pair! It was last minute and he was ready to leave and yelled at me to come back over and sold them to me as we were pulling out I didn't get a chance to look at them really he just said they are a pair and I asked if they are laying and he said no it won't be for 2/3 more months! How ridiculous! I guess ill go ahead and sell the white then! Do they even make a pure breed big stock amerucana? I've tried to google weights on BSA and I can't find anything that says anything about a BS?
This is from "Huckleberry Farms"

"If you find chicks at the local feed store labelled “Ameraucanas”, I promise you that they are Easter Eggers. We adore our Easter Eggers and there’s definitely a treasured place for them in any laying flock. The eggs are gorgeous! But it is basically like getting a mutt from the pound. Nothing wrong with that as long as you are aware that’s what you’re getting. If you want a pure breed, you need an Ameraucana or an Araucana.
2. Araucana are not that common in the United States . While the APA claims some Araucanas originated in South America, those described in the APA standard were developed in the US. They are a blue egg laying, “rumpless” (no tail) bird that sport ear tufts, clumps of feathers growing at or near their ear openings and no muff or beard. Despite their somewhat small numbers in the US, it is their name that is most frequently and erroneously used in reference to Easter Egg Layers and Ameraucanas."

Lightning, our Splash Ameraucana Rooster

3. Ameraucana (above) were developed in the United States and have been recognized by the American Poultry Association since 1984.
Currently the APA only recognizes these 8 specific colors: black, blue, buff, white, silver, brown-red, wheaten, and blue wheaten.

Ameraucanas have a pea comb, a lack of prominent wattles, bay colored eyes (reddish brown), red ear lobes, slate (blue colored) shanks (blacks can have black colored shanks and feet) and feet, and the bottoms of their feet are white. They have horn (neutral and not yellow) colored beaks. They lay various shades of pastel blue to blue-green eggs. They have white, not yellow skin. With their pea combs and lack of wattles, they are very cold hardy. They are mostly non-aggressive and easy to handle birds. They come in both standard (large fowl) and bantam size.

According to the Ameracauna Breeders Club:

The Ameraucana Breeders Club defines an Easter Egg chicken or Easter Egger as any chicken that possesses the blue egg gene, but doesn’t fully meet any breed descriptions as defined in the APA and/or ABA standards. Further, even if a bird meets an Ameraucana standard breed description, but doesn’t meet a variety description or breed true at least 50% of the time it is considered an Easter Egg chicken."
Ok well I may take some more pics tonight and post on here! He sold me about 5 4-6 week old pure breed amerucana chicks! 1 was mainly white splash and another was a darker blue splash (I got a pic of it on my phone ill post now) and he sold me a red one and what looks like a buff laced one its color looks like my buff laced polish! And a solid white as far as I can tell! He told me they were all pure breed! He even showed me some "Easter egger" chicks and I said I wasn't interested in any that wasn't pure breed! He knew this way before I purchased the big "pair" I bought the chicks an hour before I got the "pair"!! I pride myself in having show quality pure breed chickens! I've traveled to 3 states and purchased show quailty birds from breeders who show their birds! I have around 17 breeds already and I would say 90% are pure breed show quality the other 10% I'm not positive because I purchased from people at animal sales and obviously you can't trust their word! I don't want to keep them if they aren't pure breed! So u all are certain these are "Easter eggers"? Both birds?
If you want a pure bred animal, first you need to do some research and educate yourself on what the breed characteristics are. Knowing what colors your chosen breed comes in, what type of comb, leg color, etc will give you an edge when purchasing. There are massive Ameraucana threads on here, some specializing in particular colors, some the entire breed. Ameraucana breeders tend to be pretty passionate about their breed and are usually quite willing to educate folks on the standard of the breed.

I'm not up on the SOP right off, but Ameraucanas aren't especially large birds, I'd say my rooster is only around 6ish lbs or so.
All I do is research birds all day long lol I think my husband is about to divorce me! He tells everyone I've went off the deep end with my "chicken keeping" lol I can't quit researching I'm seriously addicted to chickens and I really have no clue what sparked it! It's like I just woke up one morning and decided "ill get some chickens today" and then every day after that I've gotten more and more it really is an addiction! I have done quite a bit of reading on Ameraucanas lately but I musta over looked that they don't have yellow feet! Like I said I am new to chickens I've only been doing this about 3 months now and I've already got almost 150 birds! I'm a stay at home mom so its my hobby and gets me out of the house I absolutely love it! Anyway I probably should have researched a little more on them I think maybe I had an information overload and got confused! But I had ordered a pair of chicks from a breeder and my male died after shipping ;-( (I've only had 5 die out of all 150 birds with over half of them being shipped) Anyway I have been looking for another full stock male since that happened! My hen now is a mixture of browns and reds and I had seen some full stock white and blue Ameraucanas and was fine with any color really just whatever color I could find! I met the guy I brought the "pair" from on a chicken fb page and ended up meeting him at a sale about an hour away! He had actually brought the pair for a man to pick up! So I bought 5 "full stock Ameraucana chicks" (he did show me some Easter eggers and I said no I don't want mixed breeds I just want full stock) I bought the chicks and was getting ready to leave after browsing the rest of the booths when he stopped me and said he was leaving and the man never showed to pick up his birds and asked what I would give him for the "pair" of "full stock Ameraucanas" I told him without even looking at the birds up close I just seen them in a cage in the back of his truck and he took my offer and that was that! I actually just sold the white one to the guy he initially brought them for he showed up right as I was pulling out but it was too late they were already loaded up! He thought he was getting a hen and roo as well and was told they were full stock! I have learned a valuable lesson here and ill ask questions and def 110% examine a bird up down back forth sideways underways etc before dishing out any money! I guess because I'm a little blonde girl he thought he could get one by me which he did! That's the first and it will be the very last time! My husband doesn't fool with chickens I'm the only one who does he knew that and wasn't worried about him calling him out because again he knew he was clueless! I just hope the Ameraucana chicks I bought are full stock and the blue laced red woyndottes ;-( The guy who bought the white roo said he went to his house and he thinks a lot of his stuff is mixed and that he is a "quick talker" thanks for all the advice and sorry for such a long reply lol
The white is certainly an EE- yellow legs CANNOT be an Amercauna
An EE ( Easter Egger) is most of the time a "mutt" bird that has been the result of an Amerucana or Arucona (sp) mated with another type of bird. It can also be the result of a non-standard conforming "purebred". In truest terms, EE's have a blue egg laying trait in their gene pool and therefore lay colored eggs- mostly. Some lay the most wonderful blue eggs...they are fun because their feathering is so varied and the egg color is a surprise. They get a bad rap because so many people wanted something else and were tricked into buying an EE unknowingly. I bought my latest EEs on purpose, even though they were mis-labeled, I knew what they were really. The Supreme's (Diana Ross, Flo Ballard and Mary Wilson) are fabulous little girls all with eyeliner and diva personalities. so in <3.
I have both- but technically they would ALL be considered EEs. Some were obvious EEs and others were from an Amerucana breeder. My Amerucana hens are not great quality and I would never try to pass them off as anything other than what they are. My roo was the only true standard conforming one- Sadly Festus passed away last week- beautiful boy with a crippled foot- again not perfect ;)
Even with lots of research it's hard- experience is the best teacher, although that diploma can come at a high cost. Some sellers are simply interested in the money- not furthering the breed. Take heart, enjoy your birds. If you bought them so you could at some point breed and sell Amerucana's- then remember how this feels, and don't EVER do it to someone else.
Welcome to the world of chicken raising- tell your husband it is not a disease but a fever.
Let me say also, that my Amerucana's were given to me at hatch. I did not pay for them and they were never represented as "show quality" birds. They were just something different for my flock and would lay blue eggs.
I ordered 2 show quality Amerucanas and was very pleased with both but the male passed away a couple days after arrival the female is true to breed an just beautiful! I didn't think I'd like this breed as much as I do or I woulda bought some more! I can't find any now those were the only ones I ran across and I jus trusted his word! It's sad u can't do that now days! I'm jus figuring out how dirty ppl can be! I would never do that to someone! I want a good name in this business! I sent the guy a fb msg an asked which one was the hen and which was the rooster and this is what I got back from him! The guy that bought the white one from me said he went to his house and said he sold him a few birds that he said was full stock but he thought they were mixed! He also calls the "blue" a lavander?? Is that correct? " the only thing we have are the phoenix's and blrw and houdans, we havent been saving any but can but eggs are a little expensive 3.00 a dozen lol but that would take some time to save, we took our birds off layer feed, we have just sold out of the eggs we had and will take a couple weeks b4 i could save enough worth coming to get, the white ameracauna is the pullet and the lavender is the cockerel, we are hatching one small hatch for ourselves then we are done for the year, my white yokohamas and black sumatras will be ready next spring if you would like some of those rare birds as well, did you still want the houdans ? they need to go asap"
Is the white a hen?? Because I just sold her if so but she had a bigger cone then the blue and looked like more feathers another girl said it had spurs? I'm so confused because of him I was 100% certain it was a ee roo but when he tells me stuff like this it makes me second guess?

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