Need help cannot get anything right or to work on BYC I am sooooooo challenged!


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
east texas
ok I want to do the swaps but I can't find the old "member" page to make a link of items I have. I don't understand how to do it or find what I am looking for.

I want to make a new page with new pics and personal info but under my profile I dont see anywhere to do it. Am I just stupid or what? I feel like a total dummy.....
Is there a Mod around that can help me please? I made a "member" page called it "the4heathernsmom page" and it showed up as an article and now I can't find it at all!!!!

How do you make a link to that? If I posted pictures in it to use for swapping and to put in my signature line where do I copy/paste the link? Where is the link?

How do I get something to show up under my avatar/info area? Like some people have a website there or a "my coop" in blue under their info how do I do that? Is that only for golden feather people?
Really? Come on yall....I know someone womewhere can walk me through this even in dummy version. Moderators? Can one of you pm me some instructions or something? please?

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