Need help!! Can't get watery neon green and yellow poop to stop

Just wanted to check and see if this is what you are talking about when you say goat syringe? When I went to the farm supply today this is what the guy showed me but said he thought it might be too big for a chicken. Could not find any size information on the metal tube.
enjoyed this thread, and very glad to hear about your beloved Sophie! So did you continue to feed her with cranberry gel caps and milk thistle? Is she fully back to normal chicken feed or are you still tube feeding her?
would love to know her story/ update! your love for your chicken is clearly helping her to pull it through!
Well I was too nervous to tube feed her. I was worried that goat tube was too big. I continued to fight her with bird formula and syringe for 4-5 more days. I was happy as long as she was maintaining her weight. Sophie really decided she was ready to go back with the other chickens on her own. Once I took her to the vet and knew she would not make anyone else sick, I started letting her free range in the yard with everyone in the evenings. For 2 1/2 weeks she would hangout in the yard till it got dark. Everyone went to the coop but Sophie cane straight to the door to the house and sat there till I let her in. I would open the doer and she would run straight to the coop. I was afraid it had become "home" to her. Then one day she just decided she wanted to be with the others and had the strength to do it. She was very wobbly but managed to climb the roost. She looked at her normal spot on the bar but realized that was a another ladder to climb so she quit and settled in on the lower board. The next day she was eating chicken feed and scratch. She also got over her wet food rebellion and was eating yogurt and oatmeal. I have not been feeding her the formula but still have been feeding the cranberry gel caps and milk thistle. I think I might soon stop the cranberry gel caps. I guess time will tell whether it was the molting/bacteria infection or liver/ bladder. I just think that love and time can really help them to heal. I was not giving up!
I still need chickenzoo to tell me the pic of the syring is ok. Might buy it anyway just to have.
Thanks guys for all our help!! Could not have done it without the wonderful suggestions!!
I currently feeding a sick chicken with a 6 ml needleless syringe. I have to fill it twice for a feeding, but a 20 ml syringe looks huge compared to what I am using. My vet gave the syringe to feed a sick cat meds, and I kept it for emergencies. I would ask your vet for a couple of different syringe sizes.

Thanks for the thread. I think my girl is fighting blackhead or ecoli, and the information I found here will give me some new ideas on how to help her.
You should try aloe vera detox from the company lilly of the dessert, its helped my hen soo much with her liver problems it also contains milk thissle and many more healing herbs, it helps the liver function properly buy reducing nitrates and detoxifying the body, try it you won't regret it!, I stated buy giving my bird a ml buy mouth via syringe each day and I also added it to her water as half water half aloe for the first week, my birds poop returned to normal in about five day and he energy and appitite came back , give it a try you caint overdose and its non toxic
Thanks for the info Chickenstar! I just ordered the aloe detox. I have another hen that is having issues and I am going to give this stuff a try.

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