Need help confirming Roos!


11 Years
Aug 25, 2010
Clatskanie, OR
These three are Buff Brahma Mille Fluer D'Uccle cross! Mom(Brahma) is Standard, Dad( Mille fluer D'Uccle) is Bantam. I bought them and their siblings who are pure bred mille Fluer D'Uccle. D'Uccles are easy to tell at 4 weeks which is pullet and which is roo by the combs. But because these are cross breeds its harder to tell. I know 1 is definate roo,just not sure on the other two!, can you help me confirm. all three are 11 wks old, all fighting only 2 of them fighting and drawing blood, All 3 have pointy hackle feathers. all the pure bred D'Uccle chicks are the same age and just now getting combs. Could i have 6 pure bred D'uccle pullets and these three be the Roos? the 2 in ? aren't to happy with me as i just broke up their fight before the pics!
Here is my confirmed Roo of the 3, crowing, nice big red comb and saddle feathers coming in nice and pointy,as well as pointed hackles! also the least aggressive!

1st of the 2 I need help with, Also getting in the pointy lookin saddle feathers!

The 2nd one, no sign of pointy saddle feathers yet. Is a fighter and bites to draw blood. from me an the other 2!
with how red the combs are and how big they are i would have to say the are all cockerels and if they are fighting that badly i would keep them seprated for their safty and start looking for homes that wont mind the aggrassion
They are already seperated, posting them on craiagslist, They won't be going together though, they need seperation from each other and some hens to call their own that will mellow them out some!

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