Need help designing an irregular-shaped covered run

Then will you add purlins to attach the roofing to?

So this distance is 5'?
I live one hr from the Massachusetts state line. My portable chicken run is 5 yrs old and out in the same nor’easter s. Maybe I’ve replaced 1 zip tie. My suggestion was to use it until the poster decided what was best for her. It works well for me.
I understand. I can afford to wait until I have a long term solution though, as my chickens haven’t even been hatched yet 😁 So I don’t need a quick fix until I figure it out. I’ll just build the finalized design once I make all the decisions.
How would you guys recommend that I connect the run structure to the coop? I was thinking that the posts next to the coop would be PT 2x4's, wide side sitting against the coop wall and drilled into the wall where the studs are (which are also 2x4's). I'll stain the run posts with waterproofing stain beforehand for extra protection. Since they'll be drilled in, I'm guessing they don't have to go all the way down to the ground? (to avoid soil contact and rot). Would that work? I've seen similar setups in build threads, I think @DobieLover did that for part of her enclosure? The dust bath frame I think, which is smaller, but I'll have the other posts 5 feet out that will be properly anchored to concrete footings, so maybe it will be okay? (hoping to avoid digging two of the holes with this setup 😁)
How would you guys recommend that I connect the run structure to the coop? I was thinking that the posts next to the coop would be PT 2x4's, wide side sitting against the coop wall and drilled into the wall where the studs are (which are also 2x4's). I'll stain the run posts with waterproofing stain beforehand for extra protection. Since they'll be drilled in, I'm guessing they don't have to go all the way down to the ground? (to avoid soil contact and rot). Would that work? I've seen similar setups in build threads, I think @DobieLover did that for part of her enclosure? The dust bath frame I think, which is smaller, but I'll have the other posts 5 feet out that will be properly anchored to concrete footings, so maybe it will be okay? (hoping to avoid digging two of the holes with this setup 😁)
Attaching posts to coop should work....I just attached mesh right to coop.
Attaching posts to coop should work....I just attached mesh right to coop.
Good, thanks. I'll need posts somewhere near the coop anyway. So I can either have them a foot or two out from the coop with room to dig holes for cement, then attach the mesh to the coop, or I can spare myself two holes and attach the posts directly to the coop 😁 Glad to hear that's two holes I don't have to dig!
It looks like you have this all figured out. Good job. I do have one question. What are your plans for the poo and shavings? They do pile up pretty quick. The town I'm in is very restrictive on what can go in the regular "trash" pick up. I currently have three compost piles (2 are for chicken stuff) and a compost tumbler. I'm interested in hearing how you are planning on dealing with this so perhaps I can learn something new.
It looks like you have this all figured out. Good job. I do have one question. What are your plans for the poo and shavings? They do pile up pretty quick. The town I'm in is very restrictive on what can go in the regular "trash" pick up. I currently have three compost piles (2 are for chicken stuff) and a compost tumbler. I'm interested in hearing how you are planning on dealing with this so perhaps I can learn something new.
Good question. I talked to BYC user CompostKing about composting and poop management, as his method suits my needs the best. He doesn't use poop boards or deep litter, but instead uses deep bedding (very dry) and lets the poop accumulate under the roosts, making sure to throw new shavings on it every once in a while. The chickens scratch it around and mix it in with the shavings, and the goal is to keep it very dry. When it dries out, it doesn't stink. Then twice a year or so, everything gets taken out of the coop and added to the compost. I currently have a compost pile and a compost bin, even pre-chickens, and I have a vegetable garden, so I'll be turning the poop into compost for the garden. I don't need the town to take it away. I do cold compost, because I don't have the time or energy to turn it over and aerate it. I only need it once a year anyway, so I don't mind waiting (cold compost takes longer). It's been working out well enough so far. I'll alternate between the compost pile and the compost bin in terms of which one is currently "cooking" and locked vs. which one I'm still adding to. Both are right next to the coop and behind some trees and bushes, so they're conveniently located but also hidden away and not an eye sore 😁

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