Need help determining if it's alive.


7 Years
Jul 4, 2012
Internally pipped last night and was really chirping loud, today nothing. I found the air sac and I pipped for it just now and nothing happened. I can see it in there, but there is no movement. Would it be normal for a person to pip it, and have the chick not make any sound or movements?
Thank you Sally, I was scanning the threads but none really said if the chick will be an acrobatic once you pip of if it is normal to hear nothing or see nothing.

I have sinced researched shrink wrap ( i move quick)- and I think that's what happened to this chick. The membrane was tight around it when I opened it, and the "gut" still not fully absorbed. . The shell just flaked off easily.

Oy vey. That stinks.

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