
In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 7, 2012
I have a silver laced wyandotte hen who is about 15 months old. About 4 or 5 days ago I noticed her starting to go in and roost really early. Or if she wasn't roosting, she'd go under the hen house and just lay down for hours. I noticed her drinking a small amount of water and a bit of food. She began to get more lethargic and drinking and eating less so I isolated her in the barn in a dog crate. There she just sits or lays down. I have been giving her electrolytes mixed with vitamins & minerals, a probiotic and started her on an antibiotic yesterday, but she is still very lethargic. If I let her out of her pen to wander a bit, she just goes and finds a dark corner and sits there. She is barely eating anything I offer but does drink some water. Her behind was very messy with poo, which was not real runny, but was stuck to her feathers. I gave her a bath tonight in epsom salts and gave her some medication. She was roosting in the cage at night, but tonight she is just standing on the floor, and won't even lay down. She does poo some, and it is runny with white & gray in it. Her comb and wattle are nice and red. She does appear weak when she does stand and only walks around for a few minutes before laying down again. Its a case of fine one day..and sick the next. Is anyone familiar with this type of thing? There are so many diseases on the internet with these types of symptoms that its mind boggling. There has been no blood in her poo. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks! Does that cause them to stop eating and have diarrhea? What is a good chicken wormer?
Yes, both do. I use Valbazen, however if you want to go the natural route try castor oil. The castor oil breaks down the outer layer of the worm so the chickens body can rid itself of them.

Valbazen: 1/4cc(ml) for small, 1/2cc for average size, 3/4cc for large/giants. Squirt in mouth via syringe.
Castor oil: couple of drops in beak.

Taken from one of Bees post. She does great with natural.

Castor oil doesn't just flush out can actually kill them, as the chemical/oils from a castor bean are toxic to the worms. The mild laxative action of the castor bean oil on the digestive system can then flush them out. Garlic isn't toxic to the worms, though it is repugnant to them and they don't prefer to ingest the sulfur content in the garlic. It also has the ability to halt their reproductive cycle in some ways, so their eggs are not viable.
Awesome! Thanks so much for the great info and for the dosages as well! I will give it a try and see if I can make her better. Thanks again!
My chickens have been acting weird since yesterday. I have 18. Six Rhode Island reds, six golden comets and six barred rocks. I got then last spring and most are laying eggs by now. They are making these weird squeaking noises and seem very hungry and skittish. They are startled by everything but when I go outside with then they all want me to touch them. I also have one whos feathers have looked like frayed at the wings for awhile but now she looks darker in some spots and lighter in others. Please help. I am new at this.

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