need help diagnosing...


12 Years
Sep 18, 2007
Seattle, Cascadia
One of my 2 year old EE hens looks generally very healthy and perky, has a good appetite, is active, has bright eyes, comb, and waddle. She lays almost an egg a day, which is great for a 2 year old.

But she also sometimes has a runny nose accompanied by shaking of the head. I don't see anything coming from her eyes. It doesn't smell, and is clear. She will wheeze a little when picked up, carried, and held down. She's showed these signs off and on since I got her (last fall). She also had very odd droppings the other day. They were black pellets in very clear watery stuff. She seemed to have no control over the water (she started to "pee" when she was held upsidedown). I've only seen that on one day, her stools are normal again now.

Any ideas what she might have? I'm thinking she might be a carrier of something. I should never have gotten adult hens.
One day of weird poo is no big deal normally. Sounds like she has CRD to me, even if it doesn't seem severe. CRD can hang around literally forever in some birds unless you treat for it. The disease never completely goes away, but you can get the symptoms to most of the time. You can see what to do about this on my site HERE . Good luck!
Thanks. CRD is the closest I can find too, though her eyes ave clear. How early should I expose chicks so they develop immunity to CRD? Would it be better to get a vaccine?

Also, that black-pellets-in-water poo has appeared again. What could be causing it?
might have gapeworm and or vit A deficiency
When was the last time you wormed her? Ivomec Eprinex or Fenbendazole will treat gapeworm... give POLYVISOL enfamil (three drops a day for a week then taper off next) to address any eventual vit A deficiency.

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