need help fast / duck appearance


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 25, 2014
We have a duck that appeared today. It was waddling around my chickens' run. It acted like it wanted in with the chickens. So, I went out and sure enough it came into the run with me. One of my hens started the whole "pecking order" thing. I was afraid the duck would get hurt so I put all the chickens up in their roost.

This duck appears very hungry, it is very very wet (been raining miserably here, haven't even let my chicks out), and it appears at the very least lost and maybe a younger duck.

Please tell me what to do. I have no idea. Should I feed it and let it free again? What do I feed it? Do I separate it from the chickens? We have a smaller roost for baby chicks. What if momma is looking for it and she can't respond because I have her locked up? What if I set it free and it really did need my help? I'm honestly lost right now. Please help.

It is definitely hungry, it has a mouth full of mud because it's trying to find food in the ground.
Okay, do not just turn it loose, keep it separate from your chickens just to be on the safe side.

Give it a bowl of feed - see if it knows what to do. Also if it is very hungry, it will likely take huge swallows and risk choking.

I would mix up one cup of pellets and moisten it with water, and set that out in a bowl with a pot of water. Pots are flat-bottomed, and harder to knock over.

Ducks must have water with their food or they could choke.

Once you have the little in a safe place, away from the chickens, with water and food, breathe.

Sounds like a lost domestic duck from its behavior. It may also be an abandoned duck. I would check around and see if anyone is missing a duck. Vets may know, neighbors may know.

Consider if you want to expand your flock
The Duck Forum has been immeasurably helpful to me with mine, I know there are many here who would enjoy walking you through the process of incorporating ducks into your life.

If you do keep it, and perhaps I would actually do this anyway, is get a fecal sample to the vet lab and just make sure there is no concern about disease. Ducks generally are quite healthy. But depending on its history, it could have picked up a little something along the way that can be dealt with easily.

We also have the Free Rehoming forum if you are not prepared to adopt waterfowl.
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That stressed me out a little to say the least. I was freaking out at the thought of it being hungry. I put a large roasting pan of water in with it and a small bowl of feed slightly moistened. It ate almost all of it. It's so stinking cute!! I want to keep it. We will see. Oh my gosh, thank you so much for responding!!!!!!
I am already in love with that little! And so proud of you!!!



I need to dash - will check in later, when I can. There is a sticky on the Duck Forum for Raising Ducklings. Good info there. Breathe. and Congratulations!
Well..... I'm sad a little and happy too. The momma showed up. They were talking to each other through the fence, planning some sort of jail break I am sure. So, I let the little guy out. They waddled around the back yard for about ten more minutes and then off they went.... in the direction of a neighbor.

Just prior to this, I had went to the neighbor's house across the street. I'm still fairly new at this location and I hadn't taken the long drive down their driveway into the unknown. Turns out their place is beautiful and appeared to be a duck/geese sanctuary. Beautiful large pond with lots of water fowl. They didn't answer the door.

Anyway, I'm sure that my little one is now at their property with friends and family and happy again.

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