need help getting the chickens to go in

Maybe a light in the coop would draw them in when it's dark outside.

When my chickens first moved into their coop/run, I put a light in the coop for the first fall/winter and left it on till after they had roosted - somtimes this didn't happen until 10pm (we referred to them as the late night party chickens!). I was afraid they wouldn't be able to roost in the dark and might be too cold if one was left alone on the ground (they huddle together on the roost). Removed the light when warm weather came and by that time they were used to roosting by dusk.
here is a pic of the coop. the red one in the background is the bigger chickens coop (its bigger than it looks



i'll have to maybe look into setting up some kind of light right now i dont have electricity run out to the coop.
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Make sure the roost inside the henhouse is nicer (and higher) than the one in the run, with ample space for all the hens without being crowded.

Also, I like to make sure the henhouse doesn't smell stinky, and is very well ventilated. Otherwise, they are taking care of their health by staying overnight in the run.
me too! me too!
I came on BYC tonight looking for advice on this exact subject. My 4 girls are 7 weeks old and have been outdoor birds for 5 days. This morning was the first time they came out of the coop without treats to lure them. Nightime is a different story. 2 can be lured back inside with treats but the other 2 make me chase them all around the run. And they scream! The neighbors probably think I'm torturing them. I am hoping it's just a matter of age / time. Someone told me I should have locked them in the coop for a week before allowing access to the run. oops.
I turn their light on at dusk and go back out to see if they've gone inside just as it's getting almost too dark to see. Nobody goes in on their own.
I am glad to hear I am not the only one in this situation and I like hearing everyone's experiences. Thanks!
Welcome to BYC!
I recently had this problem with 4 young Silkies that I added to my flock of 4. They did not want to go into the coop. I don't have electricity to the coop. I waited until it was fully dark to put them in so I wouldn't have to chase anybody. It took about 10 days for them to go by themselves.
I'm not sure light in the coop matters. Darkness means it is time to settle down.
I do my best not to chase my hens because I don't want them to be afraid of me.. But, you will see me chase a Roo now and again so they will respect me....
Hi Texas Neighbors! I live a few miles outside of Bandera. Amazing how we are so close! I've had my chickens about a year and have found that they will eat anything but left over Spinach. One of their favorite treats is grated carrot. It's easy to fix, or I guess some of the larger super markets have it already grated. I keep an old pan in the kitchen that we put All Kinds of left overs in (even fried chicken bones & skin!) They hit the jackpot when we clean out the fridge. I have 8 chickens at the moment, which seems a good number for me & DH. We have 3 Americanas, 1 Minocia, 1 Cochin, 1 Barred Rock, 1 New Hampshire Red, and 1 Red Sex-Link. We get 4 to 7 eggs a day from that bunch, which gives us a few to give to family on occasion, and some to bake with and some for breakfast. Hubby has really gotten into the chickens. I had some when we first met, that he didn't like at all. But now, they seem to have a purpose, and he has decided that brown or green eggs will not poison him.
Hi All! I saw this thread after I posted about the same issue. I just moved the food and water into the coop only. I had the big feeder and water in the run, and the smaller ones from the brooder inside. Maybe if they have to go in to eat/drink they will get the picture soon. I don't really want to shut them in there for a week, I like sitting outside and watching them!
but I will if I have to rather than have a round up every night.
well i tried some treats last night with no luck so i'm thinking i need to find new treats
their feeder is inside so they go inside to eat off and on all day and perch on the pop door and ladder but night time they cuddle together under the ladder
. i have 4 barred cochins in the grow out pen which are the ones i'm having problems with. then i have 4 light sussex and 2 ee in the big chicken pen none of which are laying yet
but the ee's are the oldest and they are only 5 months so i'm hoping for some eggs within the next month or so. i keep checking just in case someone decides to supprise me with one early
I have the same problem with one of mine. The Americaunas all put themselves to bed, but the Cochin just squats and lays down in the coop and we have to catch her to put her in at night. She's a month older than the other three (Cochin is 4 months, Americaunas are 3 months). I've never seen the Cochin roost on anything, but the other three do. They go up and down that ladder all day, but the Cochin comes down in the morning and won't go up voluntarily at all. They've been mine for about 2 weeks. I'm not sure what to do because we're going out of town in a few weeks, and I'd rather not have the neighbor's daughter have to chase her down to put her to bed every night like we do.

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