Need help identifying BANTAM CHICKS

Without knowing the comb types, I would also say Brahma or Cochin. The first chick posted looks cochin, the second brahma, the third cochin.

Older chicks, the white and black looks like a Light Brahma. The second looks like it might be a Cochin.

Brahmas are supposed to have pea combs (on chicks it will look like little nubs, and may or may not have distinct ridges). Cochins should have single combs (on chicks it will be a thin straight line).

Although Brahmas and Cochins are supposed to look very different, it is sometimes difficult in hatchery birds as they aren't as intensively selected for proper type. Doubly so, if these are bantams.

Both bantams will lay a cream to tan/brown egg. The standards Brahmas I have had layed medium brown eggs and the Cochins layed a slightly lighter brown egg. Both bantam types are fair layers (better, in my experience, than their standard counterparts), a good Cochin will have loose, fluffy feathering, Brahmas will have tighter feathering. Brahmas will look a little "rangy" and have less leg/feet feathering, whereas Cochins should look rather like little balls of feather. There are many color varieties of Cochin, but I believe that only Light (white with black), Dark (females look kind of silver laced {more partridge patterned, but with white instead of brown} and males kind of look like silver duckwings, but not exactly), and Buff (buff with black) are recognized by the APA, and by extension, the ABA.
Bantiehen, in a "compare and contrast" situation you must show distinctions; SQ Cochins almost always have more abundant leg/feet feathers than SQ Brahmas. I am not saying that your birds aren't nice or that they don't have adequate feathering, merely comparing two breeds, with no direct correlation to your particular birds.

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