Need help identifying chick breed (pictures included)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
New Mexico
Hello all,
This is my first post here on My husband and I recently purchased three chicks from a local feed store. We know the breed of our other two chicks, but we can't seem to figure out what breed the third one is. Can anyone help us out? Also, is there anyway to tell the gender right now, or is the chick still too young?
Thank you!



I'm not a chicken expert, like some of the others here, but I'm thinking Cochin. How many toes? Did the feed store have a set list of breeds?

Good Luck!!
Hi Lizanne,
Thank you for your reply. When I asked the young lady at the feed store what breed they were she said, "pullets" LOL. I don't think she really had any idea. The chick has four toes.
How cool is your Buff Cochin! You're right, they do look similar. I just love the feathers on their legs. :)
Our chick is about 4 weeks old. They grow up so fast!
Both Cochins and brahmas have feathered feet. Cochins have yellow skin and a single comb and a bit more rounded appearance. Brahmas have pink skin and a pea comb and are very large

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