Need help identifying chick


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 31, 2013
I have a mystery yellow chick. She was the only one in with the isa browns. And thoughts? Colored like a buff orphington but has a few black spots on her tail feathers. Can buffs have black?
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They did have leghorns there in another bin, but none of them had any black. They didnt have EEs signs...or barred rock signs for that matter but they did have them in a bin with the leghorns. This guy was in with the isa browns just chillin in the corner lol.
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Bummer lol. We were hoping for some other cool mystery chick. At least it looks like she'll be a good layer.
Did you ever find out what she is? She looks like an Austra White to me:) Leghorn and Austrolorp mix, they lay a pretty cream colored egg

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