Need help identifying my ducks killer...


5 Years
May 20, 2014
Eastern Ohio
hello i just released my 2 ducks into their true home of the pond last night i came out this morning and one was missing while the other one was walking around calling for it. the only thing i found was a few feathers around what was left of my duck.. its intestines... then about 50 feet away some feathers on the side of the pond and then where whatever animal did it literally plucked out every single feather from my baby...nothing was left not even a carcass. i found one piece of a bone. we have coyotes, prob foxes, and hawks and im not sure which one did this.. even stray cats.. i feel so bad for my other baby he/she is walking around calling all the time and is now starting to follow me around.

if anyone can help please let me know what animal pulls off feathers and eats everything but the intestines....i did find poop where some of the intestines were on a picnic table but might of been from a scavanger hawk or turkey buzzard...
So sorry for your loss...always a sad thing. From the way you describe the "scene" I would tend to say coyote rather than a hawk since it happened during the night.
Thank you and I have a feeling it's a coyote bc there is nothing left and fragments of bones that's it I feel like it was bc I don't think anything else would eat absolutely everything from it and it's so gruesome to talk about bc that's your pet but I want to know if anyone has any ideas :(
Now that whatever the scumbag is has "scored"....he'll be back. You pretty much have 2 choices....a large live trap or a good old-fashioned .22. If it were me? I'd be sitting out tonight and see if I could "score" if you get my drift! Best of luck and let us know if you get it!!

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