Need help identifying my peafowl


Nov 14, 2016
Hello! I am new to raising peafowl and wanted to see if any of you more experienced people could help me identify what kind and sex I have. I have 3, and originally I was supposed to get all Blue India, but the breeder had a bad hatch and the hatchery said they could send assorted ones instead. I requested Black Shouldered if possible, and they said they thought they could send those. When they arrived, the packing sheet said Blue India, but the chicks didn't look like BI chicks. They are just about 5 months old now, and I am wondering if anyone can tell me what they think ? Thank you for any help!

I'll give it a shot (I'm no expert either).
Black shoulder chicks hatch out very pale, almost white, then develop color later, did any do that?
What they look like now is:
last picture-
on the left - cameo hen
middle - pied indian blue hen
right - pied indian blue hen

I have two IB males, at 4 months the necks are brilliant blue ,
my pied hen looks somewhat like your middle bird (though the patches are bigger)
Thank you for your reply! Yes, they all started out very pale yellow - their wings were almost white. Then they started to get some brown mixed in as they got older and now the blue and green. The pale one has just started to get some little green feathers in the neck area. They are so curious and so much fun to watch - I am looking forward to seeing how their color develops!

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