Need help identifying my two chicks!


11 Years
12 Years
Jun 8, 2012
So I went out to a farm in my area and there was a bunch of chicks all kept together that were all different ages from a day old to what she said a week. I bought 2 Amaricaunas, 1 Cuckoo Maran, 1 Barred Rock, 1 White Orpington, and 1 Welsummer.

This is the Cuckoo Maran pullet is what this is supposed to be. What do you think?




Then I got this lil one who is supposed to be a Barred Rock pullet...





I guess I'm not really feeling like these are what they are supposed to be as well as if they are roos. She sexed them there on the spot by looking at their wings. Can anyone help me and tell me what you think? And this supposal Barred Rock has an attitude.Freaks every time I hold her. chirps like crazy and acts real skittish. All the others are real sweet. Thanks!!!

here is the cuckoo maran. above

Below is the Barred Rock. and also think roo...

Thank you. I was told that my B.R. if female shouldn't be showing such a pronounced comb. and My C.M has all black legs where I read they should be pink not orange. Any thoughts to this?
the rock doesnt seem to have that much of a dark wash down the front of the legs im leaning towards a cockerel. the marans legs may get lighter as it gets older

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