Need help identifying one of my bantam roosters


May 4, 2015
So most of my chickens I can ID. there is one that I don't know the breed and the other I don't know yet if it is a rooster or pullet.They are all 17 weeks old.

this is the rooster that I don't know the breed.

this is Bug the Cochin Bantam

This is Hooter the Easter Egger Pullet and Fletcher the Silver laced Cochin (Roo or Pullet?)

This is our poor bottom of the pecking order cochin pullet

Rose Comb

He was a Japanese. I was able to trade my Seabright, Rose Comb, Japanese and Cochin bantam roosters for 4 sex linked pullets. The roosters are now added to a chicken farm near my house that raises about 30 different breeds. They want to find a girlfriend for the Cochin rooster and the Seabright right away. Glad they could go somewhere and live happy instead of heading to freezer camp.

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