Need help integrating rooster


5 Years
Feb 5, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Hello! I'm looking for advice on a flock issue I'm having.

I have 4 wyandotte hens about 1.5 years old. I had a rooster that I had raised with them but he became VERY aggressive with people so he was culled. This year I've raised 6 buckeye pullets with a new cockerel. They are now about 6.5 months old. I'm trying to integrate my two flocks now because they need to move into their winter coop. All summer the two flocks shared a divided coop/run, so they could see but not touch. They had plenty of intermingling time together all summer and fall when free ranging (although they mostly stuck together in their 2 sub-flocks). I tried putting them all together in their new winter coop and the ladies seem to get along OK but the cockerel is my issue. I had thought that he would want to recruit the 4 older hens into his "harem" but instead he tries to protect his little flock by attacking them as soon as they try to come down from a perch. They have multiple feed stations but the hens can't even get down. I gave them 4 days to try to sort things out, but the poor hens couldn't get down to eat or drink without getting immediately attacked by him. I have now separated him from the group. Without him there the pullets and hens are getting along really well (minor scuffles and chases as they establish pecking order, but nothing major).

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get him to accept the whole flock? I like him because he is not aggressive with people, but I want what is best for my flock. Should I try just trading him for a new rooster who doesn't already have a defined group? I don't really need a rooster, I just like having them for the protection factor and I enjoy the crowing.

Thanks for any help!
I think that if you feel is is too aggressive and going to harm your hens you should either cull him or trade him in for another rooster. Usually when I integrate new chickens or roos into the flock I just put them out in the yard with the flock and watch what happens. If they fight too much I usually remove the bird I am trying to integrate, but usually they work it out themselves and everything is just fine. I have also heard of people putting new birds in the coop at night when everyone is nice and calm and sleepy. This method is supposed to work pretty good. Good luck. Oh by the way what breed is he? Some roosters can be much more aggressive than others especially depending on their breed. I have had very kind Cochin, Brahma, and Silkie roosters that never were aggressive to us or the hens.
What occurs to me is to put the cockerel wherever it was you were keeping the young birds, where he can see the others but not mingle. Wait a few weeks for the pullets and hens to settle and work out their pecking order. Then reintroduce the cockerel. Waiting for a bit might change up the dynamics enough to let him begin to accept the whole flock.

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