Need Help-New Babies just sleep


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 28, 2013
We have had to hatch three chicks because the hens were killing them as soon as the broke the shell. One was blinded by the hen, but she seems to be doing fine (2 1/2 days old), we put here in a small cage by herself. The other two have us a bit worried. One had to have help to hatch (2 days old) and the other one (1 day old) hatched by itself in just a few hours. Yesterday they were running around and peeping very loudly. Today all they have done is slept, they will come if I tap on the food dish but they fall asleep almost immediately. I have checked the temperature and it is 90 degrees. I tried adding an extra lamp but it was clear very quickly that it was to hot.

Is this behavior normal? Should I be worried about anything. Oh, and one more question, Once I have showed them were the food and water is and they have drank and eaten do I need to keep showing them or will they feed themselves when they are hungry?


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