Need help on RIR laying


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
I have some RIR hens that just are turning 1 year this week, they all moted and are now laying again. My question is
1. they say the first year they lay the most, ok as in the first true year ?? It takes 5-6 mos before they laid and now just finished there molts at like 7-8 mos. So now do I get another 6 mos. out of them as heavy egg layers? This is my first year with reds. Some of my 3 yr old hens austrolorps and B uff orps. still layed this winter. I want a few new hens but hubby says I need to sell the older ones I have first. I don't want to get of too many if they are still going to lay my eggs:D
They are all feed layer pellet,scratch and get to free range all over our property all day.(just in case you wanted to know there diet)

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