Need help processing/butchering chickens in Los Angeles area


11 Years
Jan 11, 2012
Los Angeles
Like many of you I have too many roosters. The time has come to cull several of them. I've never done this before. I've been watching youtube DIY videos but don't feel competent to do this myself without someone that knows what they're doing.

Can anyone refer me to a butcher or someone in the area I can pay to help me?
I just wanted to give you words of encouragement! I got my first chickens last April. 34 of them straight run. Only 11 of them turend out to be pullets. I knew I'd have to do something, so like you I watched you tube videos for hours on end! My husband laughed and told me I was on my own! It helped nobody thought I could do it. I had never killed an animal before except for the ones that ran in front of the car. That was the hardest part and I cried a little on the first one. I didn't want it to suffer. I had chosen to do the cone method and slit the throat. I was not able to cut its throat. That's were the tears came in when I saw a l had cut it, but not deep. I decided to go with the broom handle method. All those hours of viewing did not go to waste after all! I have a nice metal rake I used. I was able to do that no problem. I just put the neck under and stepped on both sides to hold it, then pulled. I then put it in the cone to cut the neck to bleed out. I chose to skin them instead of plucking. It just seemed easier and we don't eat the skin anyways. They tasted so good. We really liked them on the grill. So again..... YOU CAN DO IT! This is coming from a city girl all her life until 3 years ago! If you need any more words of encouragement just ask. If I lived closer, I'd come help. Here was my first one. It was a bantam. Good luck!
Like many of you I have too many roosters. The time has come to cull several of them. I've never done this before. I've been watching youtube DIY videos but don't feel competent to do this myself without someone that knows what they're doing.

Can anyone refer me to a butcher or someone in the area I can pay to help me?
Diea, did you ever find anyone? I'm in the same boat in LA area. Would love to know what you ended up doing, or even pay you if you've gotten the experience since you posted!
Really any partner will work. Just someone to have the nervous giggles with. Watch the video, get things set up. And only plan to do one or two the first time.

We all remember the first one, I raise meat birds for meat, and still and all, it is easy to put off. Now I can do 3-4 no problem, and people are seriously impressed when they know you do this. (I teach middle school).

FYI - I use a banded razor blade - it is sharp, and I can handle it and the bird at the same time.

good luck,

Just do it, and it will get better.

Mrs K

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