Need help re worming free range chickens.

chicks & ducks

14 Years
Mar 30, 2010
I found what may have been a roundworm in an egg this week. Our 20 chickens free range, some put themselves away in the coop at night, some like to sleep in the trees.
I see folks use liquid wormer in water but I cannot guarantee all 20 will drink the water. We have a spring and they prefer that to water in a container.
Catching all of them is not an option as I can't climb trees :)
We normally worm our goats with safeguard pellets. I'm wondering if I can feed this to chickens? They almost all come running if they hear me shaking the scoop full of treats so it's likely all would get dosed. Is there a reason folks don't use the pellets?
Also, what about horse paste? I could mix it with grain/corn but dosing would be tricky.
Any ideas or suggestions?

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