Need help - saved baby dove from dog


12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
Pittsboro, NC
My beagle managed to get a baby dove in the backyard. I haven't a clue where it came from. I've looked in every tree I could find. I just don't know about doves. Where do they nest? Can anyone tell me what to do with it? I don't see any injuries, though I don't know how long he was playing with her, I had been up at the coop a while and saw he had something. UGH! I hate when dogs do this... He and my other one just killed three baby wrenns about two weeks ago who were trying to fledge.


Any sign of the mom anywhere?

If not, is there a wildlife rescue/rehab place anywhere near you? (it may take some investigating to find out - there is a very good one 15 minutes from my house but almost everyone I meet in my neighborhood has no idea that it exists). If so, they could take the bird and help it get what it needs till it is ready to be on its own, if it isn't already. If one is not within driving distance, most good facilities can by phone advise you what to do and will be aided by you e-mailing them a photo so they can judge age and best approach.

It's been through a lot of trauma so being in a box with soft bedding in a quiet room with no "traffic" is good for the moment. You can have a small saucer of water available. Don't feed it till the right food is known (it will be important to get that info pretty quickly).

Someone from BYC will likely come along who has experience with "rehabbing" these little guys.

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Ok, so the rehabber is going to call me in a few minutes. She's at work, husband is relaying info. I brought the dogs in and put it outside in the box, the box on it's side, hoping mom would call to it but a storm has rolled in so I brought it into the garage. Nothing like a baby bird to throw a kink into your plans for the night!!
Falls in that oh so reliable category "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans."!!

So glad the rehabber is going to call - great job.

Amen JJ!!!

Update: I put the bird back out after the storm passed over. She recommended 20-30 minutes and hopefully the parents would find her or she'd go to a safe spot. Well, she didn't move out of the box after 45 minutes so she's back in the garage. She has pooped twice and her crop was very full when I got her, so I think she'll be okay over night. I will put her back out around 6:00 tomorrow morning. If she hasn't moved by the time I leave (7:30), I'll take her to the rehabber. She's only 15 minutes from me thank goodness!

I also asked her to send me info on how to volunteer.
Like I don't have enough going on in my life!
okay if the rehabber can't take her soon...this is what to do...bTw I raise baby cockatiels...

Buy a syringe and bird bird formula...

Heat to a temp that it says in the directions...point the syringe at the left side of it's throut coming from the right...


Get a spoon instead and see if you can get him to eat the formula off that! If it works he'll live...I dunno the laws around you but if he gets too nice you MIGHT be able to keep him as a pet...that is if you want...They make wonderful pets BTW...
Do you have any pine trees there? In my yard, they usually nest in the pines at about eye level....
I'm currently volunteering at a wildlife rehab center. We have several doves right now and they are all doing very well.
This dove is old enough to eat birdseed, get a mix with no sunflower seed in it or with only sunflower hearts, no shells ( a finch mix is good). Fill a pill bottle or other small container with the seeds. We cover the top of the bottle with red (and they do prefer red) vet wrap and then slice a hole in it. Put the bottle right up to the dove's mouth and see if it will push it's face into the bottle and eat the seeds. Once they get the hang of it they are crazy about it!
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