Need help sexing 3month old Japanese bantam


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2015
About a month ago I went on the site and needed help sexing my chicken and you guys also that it was bullet well I want to try again now that it's older and maybe it maybe easier to tell it still makes peeping noises. And I would like to know if it's a cockerel or a pullet
Thanks I don't really want to get rid of this one since she already has a strong bond with my family, my older hen and I she's very friendly unlike cockerels her age so I figured so. She does have Spurs but i don't think that matters too much
Thanks I don't really want to get rid of this one since she already has a strong bond with my family, my older hen and I she's very friendly unlike cockerels her age so I figured so. She does have Spurs but i don't think that matters too much

You're welcome. And contrary to some peoples' misconception, hens do grow spurs as well, although they don't normally get as large as those of cockerels.
She is beautiful. I've never seen that color before but I am new to this breed. Looks like yours has long legs like mine. I've never shown birds before but I think the ones with short legs are most desirable. Not sure about the spurs though. You might want to post on the Japanese bantam thread as they are the experts :). Good luck!


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