Need help sexing 4 different chicks. 4 different breeds.


Jun 22, 2020
Hello beautiful fellow chicken lovers, I need help sexing 4 different chicks. Each a different breed. They are all around 5 weeks old. #1, I think is a Porcelain D'uccle, #2 is a Millie Fleur D'uccle, #3 I think is a Golden Seabright and #4 I think is a OEB but color might be a BBR. What sex do you wonderful people think these sweet bebes are? I appreciate any and help!!


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I thought if wing feathers were "straight" rather than "rounded," they were roos? I have five and a couple look like 408 and a couple like 326 with long tail feathers! Help!
I thought if wing feathers were "straight" rather than "rounded," they were roos? I have five and a couple look like 408 and a couple like 326 with long tail feathers! Help!
If they are younger than 12 weeks that rule doesn't really apply. When chicks are growing they get all kinds of wonky feathers that they eventually molt or grow into. Different feather patterns can also give illusions of "pointed" or "rounded" male/female feathers. Looking at comb development is the best way to sex chicks.
If they are younger than 12 weeks that rule doesn't really apply. When chicks are growing they get all kinds of wonky feathers that they eventually molt or grow into. Different feather patterns can also give illusions of "pointed" or "rounded" male/female feathers. Looking at comb development is the best way to sex chicks.
so what does the comb look like on young chicks?
or i shd add what age does comb determine and how does it look? I wnt to get these kids outta here -- too many to deal with and they are "around" 12 wks- thnx
or i shd add what age does comb determine and how does it look? I wnt to get these kids outta here -- too many to deal with and they are "around" 12 wks- thnx
The chicks at the beginning of this thread are 5 weeks old, and they all look like pullets (or possibly too young to tell, or possibly males that are developing slowly.)

For comparison, here is a thread with two cockerels that are 6.5 weeks old. They have combs and wattles that are very big and red, as compared with what pullets have at this age.

It is often possible to tell by the time they are 5-6 weeks old.
A few males are very slow to develop, and can keep everyone guessing for months. A few females develop extra-fast and can be mistaken for males at some ages. But for most chicks, the male vs. female differences are pretty clear by about 6 weeks, and usually become even more obvious as they get older.

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