Need help sexing!


May 20, 2024
Hey fellow chickeners!

New to chickens here. About 4 weeks ago hatched 2 chicks for my students in science class and bought 6 day-old chicks. They are all different breeds so I can’t really do a 1-1 comparison of feather/comb growth. There are 2 specific chicks that are exhibiting worrisome traits (can‘t have roosters in my area). They are a couple days shy of the 4-week mark so I know there’s no for sure way of sexing them. I’m just going to list their red flags and see what you guys think.

Blondie, Buff Orpington, 3 weeks 5 days old: 🚩#1 SUPER friendly, pretty much the only one that FLIES out of the brooder cage as soon as I open the door. 🚩#2 No tail, all of the pictures I’ve searched up of Buff Orpington pullets have prominent tails at 1 week old. I’ve also seen a few posts/videos that used tail development to sex Buffs.

Is it possible that she is just a friendly hen and a late bloomer? I would be devastated if she turns out to be a 🫢. She is literally a golden retriever puppy who wants attention all day long 🥺.



Olive Oyl, Olive Egger, 3 weeks 5 days old: 🚩#1 Comb and wattles!!! 🚩#2 Bigger than the rest, fastest grower, clocked in at 185 grams at 3 weeks when all the others were still around 140 grams. 🚩#3 Picks fights with everyone, especially with Blondie. Weirdly though, she’s also the flightiest and the only one that runs away and SCREAMS when I pick her up.

Forgot to mention — both chicks in the post were bought from a local feed store that gets “sexed” day-olds from a hatchery.
Blondie, Buff Orpington, 3 weeks 5 days old: 🚩#1 SUPER friendly, pretty much the only one that FLIES out of the brooder cage as soon as I open the door. 🚩#2 No tail, all of the pictures I’ve searched up of Buff Orpington pullets have prominent tails at 1 week old. I’ve also seen a few posts/videos that used tail development to sex Buffs.
Could be a cockerel, and I am leaning towards it.

Olive Oyl, Olive Egger, 3 weeks 5 days old: 🚩#1 Comb and wattles!!! 🚩#2 Bigger than the rest, fastest grower, clocked in at 185 grams at 3 weeks when all the others were still around 140 grams. 🚩#3 Picks fights with everyone, especially with Blondie. Weirdly though, she’s also the flightiest and the only one that runs away and SCREAMS when I pick her up.
For sure a cockerel.
thank you for the responses. I am slowly overcoming my denial lol. 🥺 I get attached easily and I am plagued by the possibility of giving the OE away and having it turn out to be a hen.

The OE is a cockerel. It's still a little early to say for sure with Blondie but nothing is screaming cockerel yet. You can update pics in a few weeks.
Also, Blondie did something this morning that had me scratching my head. As I was spreading out the bedding with my hand, she pounced onto the back of my hand, kinda pecked my finger lightly while squatting and shimmying her butt down on me. I haven’t seen anybody mention this type of behavior in chicks before. It reminds me of dogs when they hump human legs lol. Is this potentially another 🚩?

Here’s a bonus pic of my Easter Eggers asking to play games on my phone.
thank you for the responses. I am slowly overcoming my denial lol. 🥺 I get attached easily and I am plagued by the possibility of giving the OE away and having it turn out to be a hen.
I can assure you there won't be a possibility for it to turn out to be a hen. It's a boy.
Also, Blondie did something this morning that had me scratching my head. As I was spreading out the bedding with my hand, she pounced onto the back of my hand, kinda pecked my finger lightly while squatting and shimmying her butt down on me. I haven’t seen anybody mention this type of behavior in chicks before. It reminds me of dogs when they hump human legs lol. Is this potentially another 🚩?
Sounds like she's displaying dominant behaviors. At this age it isn't an indicator of male or female as both genders will assert dominance.
Your buff could really go either way. I have a sexed link chick that I know is a girl and her tail is still smaller than everyone else’s at 4 weeks.

But I’d be suspicious with the tail and behavior, too.
Hello everyone! Update pics on Blondie and Olive Oyl, and questions on another chick:

Olive Oyl, Olive Egger, 4 weeks 2 days old. Established that she is indeed a cockerel, just sharing this because it’s pretty amazing how much more the comb has grown in just the last couple of days.


Blondie, Buff Orpington, 4 week 2 days old. My concern is growing, my butt cheeks clenched with dread. Am I seeing red? Is the writing on the wall? 😩




And here’s Eggvira, hatched in science class, breed unknown, 4 weeks 3 days old. 🚩#1 It’s still too early for hackle feathers, but the feathers around her neck is too pointy for comfort. What do you guys think? Also, she’s really good at giving the side eye.



P.s. I have a total of 8 chicks in my brooder. I will post the others if I notice any 🚩, which I’m hoping I won’t have to. 🤞🏼
Olive Oyl, Olive Egger, 4 weeks 2 days old. Established that she is indeed a cockerel, just sharing this because it’s pretty amazing how much more the comb has grown in just the last couple of days.
Yes, they do that sometimes. When combs grow that big and fast, at least you know for sure the chick is a male, rather than wondering if you might maybe be wrong.

Blondie, Buff Orpington, 4 week 2 days old. My concern is growing, my butt cheeks clenched with dread. Am I seeing red? Is the writing on the wall? 😩
I agree that Blondie might be male. I would watch for a bit longer just to be sure, but probably start making plans.

And here’s Eggvira, hatched in science class, breed unknown, 4 weeks 3 days old. 🚩#1 It’s still too early for hackle feathers, but the feathers around her neck is too pointy for comfort. What do you guys think? Also, she’s really good at giving the side eye.
I think the "pointy" feathers are not a sign of a male at this age.

That pattern of black & gold can make any feathers look pointy, even on hens.

Eggvira does not look male to me at this time. That could mean Eggvira is female, or it could mean Eggvira is male but does not yet show signs that I would notice.

P.s. I have a total of 8 chicks in my brooder. I will post the others if I notice any 🚩, which I’m hoping I won’t have to. 🤞🏼
I agree about hoping you do not have to post any more maybe-males to get opinions :)

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