Need help to identify this giant!


8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
35 minutes south of Kinnick
Got this guy and a few more 30 days ago, after quarantine I am finally able to get a decent picture (somewhat). I am pretty sure he is a rooster, however I have never heard him crow... The pictures do not do justice to how big he is. Does anyone know what breed it is or if I am correct about gender. (HE was roosting in the nesting box this morning...)


I have some like him. He is a rooster. The breed is standard Cochin. The color is splash (maybe blue). I also have bantams of the same breed and color. He will grow to be bigger than the other chickens but still remail docile.
I'm a little frustrated because my other roo's are picking on him and he is so sweet. Grrrr. He does look just like the above picture except different coloring. He is just the cutest thing!!

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