Need help! WIld 20+ ducks keep getting in the coop daily

Thank you thank you THANK YOU! I needed this! I wasl ooking for local trappers and not having luck.
I hope you can find someone to help get rid of them. That's an awful lot of freeloaders. They're invasive enough down there as it is without people helping them multiply.
I know. I hate to harm them and to think about what will happen to them. They didn't ask for this. They are making my chickens sick though and I have to make a choice :-( I don't mind a few of them. I wanted to get ducks when we move. But this is just too much. While I was out of town last week my husband found one of my favorite hens dead on her nesting box. I returned home and everyone has lost weight and one of my wyandottes has scabs from pox. I was told it was from the ducks. I was going to vaccine earlier and people made it sound like it was not a big deal and it just needs to run its course. I didn't know it was fatal. I am so mad I was misled and may lose more of my feathered babies.
Haha I don't have the heart to kill them myself. I thought about poison because I wouldn't have to see it but then they would suffer.
Call animal control. It is their job to inform your neighbors that the ducks must stay home. If the neighbors tell animal control that the ducks don't belong to them, then you have free reign to take care of the problem!!
Unfortunately trapping seems like the only choice at this point, it's just sad that so many ducks have to die...especially when they haven't done anything wrong. I hope your chooks get better, we have never had fatalities with pox, but it does happen. I'm sorry you are in such a tough situation.
I agree that they should be trapped and humanely euthanized. They're disruptive to both you and the environment, they can no longer survive on their own, and nobody's going to want to adopt or buy diseased ducks. It makes me sad, but it seems to be the best option.

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