Need help with beak.


6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
Hi. This is Boomer, and I'm afraid he has something wrong with his beak. He never has been able to close his mouth all the way. But it doesn't appear to be affecting him in any way. Was just wondering if maybe this was something common with the Polish breed?
He's roughly 10 weeks. I've only really noticed that he can't really peck around on the ground like the other chickens can. He can only eat the food I put out for them in their trough.
I wonder if trimming the beak would help it to grow more normally. Sorry no one else has answered. If he can't eat though, I think if I were you I'd talk to a vet...or a pet shop that specializes in birds. Take him there, they might trim it for you or give you some advice...
I've been told to take dog nail clippers and just slowly trim it. But I'm still unsure

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