Need help with breed and gender please


7 Years
Jul 6, 2012
Canandaigua NY
I need help again figuring out what this chicken is. She/he's about 15 weeks old now. Please help a family argument. I think it's a SHE. I'm pretty sure my Henry (pictured in my avatar) was trying to do a mating dance with her this morning... I think. Henry and "Oreo" are also best buds. I think if she was a he, Henry would just ignore him. They are also from the same "flock" of a mix of birds bought at TSC, so they are the same exact age.
My mother-in-law, who has had chickens for several years now, says, "Oh, NO! That's a rooster".
Who's right? Rooster or pullet? Also, anyone know what breed "she" is?

Definitely a roo - saddle feathers and hackles are long and pointy. Kinda looks like my light brahma roo - maybe a cross as the leg color is weird.

Yes I also thought light brahma (mix) roo. Sorry!

Brahma roos are very sweet. My Mickey is as sweet as can be, even to baby chicks.

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