Need help with breeds!

Watch your speckled sussex roosters when the get bigger. Mine had a bad bad habit of running up behind me to flog my legs. Keep your ears open and you'll be alright. The hens are sweethearts! No worries there. I was going to suggest orpingtons before I got down to your last post. Good choices, but like I said, watch those boys.
I've got 11 Red Sussex crosses and 2 roosters. The roosters are the same breed as the hens apparently

but a different color. They look like Columbain rock. I think thats what they're crossed with. Heres two pics of one hen and rooster.
I am starting a flock this spring of a single breed. I am stuck between Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks. From what I have read the rocks are more gentle and friendly. Is there any other large breed birds that are known to be docile? This is the most important aspect of my new flock. I want to promote backyard chickens in my area and I would like to raise a very calm, docile breed!

Dorkings, Javas, and Orpingtons are supposed to be calm and even friendly

Sussex are also supposed to be good, especially the speckled variety.
So this is my first venture into chickens. Where is the best place to buy them?
From a good breeder who raises them. Cost a little more but worth it in the long run.

If you get them from a hatchery you are getting birds that might come after you when they are full grown. That is there nature but these birds are the norm as 99% of the people buy them and that is why you have the issues with attaching you. I would not get Rhode Island Reds as they are the worst of the bunch, maybe white rocks or barred rocks would be more docile having them shiped to you from a hatchery. Just my view from people who write me each month asking me why my roosters are so mean.

They lay lots of eggs as that is what they are breed for.

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