Need help with painting design of coop


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
I have a little banty coop I need to paint and Im not sure what to paint on it. I have three different colors. The one is more of a reddish color. Not orange like the picture shows. And then the green is sorta like a seafoam green. These were "oops" paints I bought super cheap from WalMart. Anybody have any ideas on what I could do?

Im not wanting to do the normal one solid color. Im wanting something more unique and different. I planned on using a mix of these three different colors. I plan on going tomorrow after work and see if they have any more colors for sale.
booger's mom :

Polka dots

Ohh, if I could get another color or two. I could do polka dots and stripes. That would be cute! Thanks.​
Put in a lot of detailed trim! Have a base color for the coop, then do the window and door trim up. You could expand on the colors you have by adding a little white to any of them as well. Here is a picture of what I'm thinking. You could do this, but with the colors you have.

That was sorta my original idea to go with. Because I have 3 maybe 4 more small coops to go. I wanted something different, but not to wildly out there.

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