Need help with recipe tree....


12 Years
Jul 2, 2007
W. Tennessee
Hey all,

The other day, my mother sent a thing called a "Recipe Tree" to my wife. The instructions are simple and easy to follow. You send 1 recipe to the person whose name and address appears on the back of the original letter. You then make 6 copies of the front of the original letter and mail them to 6 friends. In each envelope, you include 6 address lables with your name and address on them. When they send them out, the friends put your address lables on the back of the letters they send out. And, so on, and so on, and so on..... If each person does as they are asked, you end up with 36 new recipes. And, it's kind of fun to see where they've come from as well as what they are.

My wife sent out 6 copies to friends and family like she was supposed to. There have been two people to contact her and say that they don't know 6 people and therefore cannot participate. What a bummer!! That means that my mother will miss out on at least 12 of her 36 recipes!!

Here's the "down and dirty" of the situation.... We need a couple of people who will participate in this so my mother won't miss out!! If any of you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible.

Thanks a bunch,
Bummer. I have heard that a lot of people these days don't have many close relationships. So even though we have better tools to keep in touch, we are less connected to each other.

Sorry for the hijak. I'll have to consider what sort of recipe I have that would be appropriate . . . what sort of difficulty level do you think she would appreciate? Is she interested in quick-to-make foods or more complicated ones?
DrakeMaiden, my mother loves all kinds of recipes. And since she's been cooking (and good at, I might add) all her life, dificulty doesn't seem to be an issue.

What I need (or my wife needs) is people who don't mind giving me their name and address so that she (my wife) can snail-mail the letter to them. The recipient can then follow through with the instructions.

If you (or anyone else) would be interested in participating, please email me here.

Thanks for the reply!

While I could probably come up with 6 people to send it to, I don't know if half of them would participate. Maybe 2-3.

Do you think she'd care if we just pretended we were participating, so long as she got her recipes?

Maybe others will jump in. I just know my friends aren't very prone to participating with things like this.
LOL!!! No, my mother probably wouldn't care. But then, my wife would miss out on her recipes!! It's one of those things where if oned doesn't participate, then multiples suffer!

Oh well! As you said, maybe some of the others will be interested.
Thanks so much ChickMomma!!! I just tried to reply to your PM and it said that I had to wait 60 seconds and try again. I'll try it again in a minute!!

Anyone else????

ChickMomma, I just sent you a PM. Please let me know if you got it or not, because a copy of it did not show up in my "sent" box.

Thanks again!!

I'd be willing to send your wife 6 recipes (including the 1 for your mom), but then I wouldn't be playing along right, so just consider me back-up!

Keep bumping the topic up (keeping it in the recently replied to zone), and I'm sure you'll find a few more people this weekend. Good luck!
Thanks DrakeMaiden!! I hope I can find a couple more folks who are willing to help my wife out. I have been surprised at a couple of nasty responses that I've gotten about this. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't on this site. But, a person on another site all but called me a liar! I don't know why, and I didn't appreciate it at all. I was just trying to help my wife and mother out, then I get a reaction like that. I guess it is just part the "times."

Anyway, thanks again!

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