Need help with stuck old egg


In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2022
Took my 2yo Buff Orpington to the vet to get checked out. She hadn't laid an egg since fall. She quit when everyone else did for the winter but never restarted with the others come spring. She laid an old egg one day, vet confirmed that it had probably been in there for awhile. He took an xray and shows theres another one in there. Shes acting totally fine - eating, drinking and poop normal. Vet wanted to try antibiotics to reduce the inflammation and any infection she might have going on then cross our fingers that she lays the second raisin egg on her own. We're on day 6 now and I'm getting antsy. Have any recommendations? Should I put some lube in there? It's SO CLOSE to the vent (but not too close to affect her poops at all).

Woah, that's kinda crazy!

All I have to suggest is giving her calcium citrate +D3 with at least 500mg of calcium, and giving her epsom salt baths.
Lubing her vent probably would help too.
That looks like an undeveloped yolk or a piece of the reproductive system with a bit of lash (infection) material.
Can the vet remove it with some forceps?
Not fun for the hen but it might be too rough to pass.
Soak the hen in a container of warm water up to her sides. The warm water will relax and expand her innards. While she is soaking, slowly and gently massage her underside front to rear while she is soaking in the warm water. It will help and encourage her to move the egg along. Do this for about 30 minutes.
Then put on a disposable glove and apply a little olive oil or vegetable oil on the glove and gently insert your finger inside her vent, lubing the vent to make it easier for her to lay the stuck egg. Hopefully she'll lay the stuck egg. Repeat as necessary.
That looks like an undeveloped yolk or a piece of the reproductive system with a bit of lash (infection) material.
Can the vet remove it with some forceps?
Not fun for the hen but it might be too rough to pass.
He said he would try that next if she doesn’t pass it on her own. And if going in through the vent doesn't work he would be prepared to surgically remove it while he’s got her back there. I’m hoping to avoid surgery so seeing what I can do in the mean time.
Soak the hen in a container of warm water up to her sides. The warm water will relax and expand her innards. While she is soaking, slowly and gently massage her underside front to rear while she is soaking in the warm water. It will help and encourage her to move the egg along. Do this for about 30 minutes.
Then put on a disposable glove and apply a little olive oil or vegetable oil on the glove and gently insert your finger inside her vent, lubing the vent to make it easier for her to lay the stuck egg. Hopefully she'll lay the stuck egg. Repeat as necessary.
I’ve soaked but she never settles into it like I read others do when egg bound. She just wants to hurry up and get out. It’s like the egg thing is just in there enough that she doesn’t have the urge to contract. Just now I gloved and lubed up her vent and my finger. I was nervous and only went back an inch. Didn’t feel anything. How far in you reckon I should need to go? Have any experience to tell how far in it is from the X-ray?
You dont have to give her a finger wave, only a little lube just inside her vent, that's all, nothing more than that.
She's the first hen I've heard of that doesnt like the warm water soak! It usually feels good to them. I've even had a couple that went to sleep while soaking lol. I also had one that laid an egg while soaking!
Sorry, I have no x-ray experience.
You dont have to give her a finger wave, only a little lube just inside her vent, that's all, nothing more than that.
She's the first hen I've heard of that doesnt like the warm water soak! It usually feels good to them. I've even had a couple that went to sleep while soaking lol. I also had one that laid an egg while soaking!
Sorry, I have no x-ray experience.
LOL yea, she hates being held or messed with. Although, since giving her the antibiotics twice a day she’s starting to learn that I’m not so bad. She thinks she’s just getting a special treat she doesn’t have to fight the others over.
I’ll give the lube another shot later. Just an awkwardness I gotta get over! 😆

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