Need help with teaching 3 yr old to swim

Yes. This is what you are aiming for. But if the child won't get in the pool without screaming in fear, you cannot hope to start on any of this. The floatation suit (with an adult right there with her) will help her get over her fear. Start in the suit on the steps. Let her wear the suit while you hold her. Get her used to being in the water and being safe. Gradually you can let her float lower and lower in the water until she is confident on her own. THEN you can start actually teaching her to swim. The American Red Cross swimming plan is excellent and will show you the steps to follow. But she will not be receptive to learning until she is comfortable in the water.
The big key to really learning how to swim properly is getting the face wet. I'm guessing she isn't even remotely interested in getting her face wet at this point. Have her parents start in the bathtub. An increasingly wet washcloth will get her used to water on her face and eyes. Get them to work their way up to pouring water on her head (after rinsing shampoo perhaps). Too many parents are too careful about keeping water out of their kids eyes. Wet eyes won't kill them and it makes it easier to transition into swimming.
When I teach swimming I turn it into a big game. We never talk about "Swimming" at all. Everything is about monsters and mermaids and whatnot. The kids forget that this is a Big Deal and start playing along. Even the terrified kids eventually get in the game (even if they still don't particularly want to do the skill). While we are looking for monsters and mermaids, we are learning to blow bubbles and kick and glide, etc. Interestingly enough, everything about swimming can relate back to mermaids and monsters.
Again, PM me if you want the full spiel. I have to go to work here in a minute and the whole deal will take some time to type.

You have to get past the fear before you can teach the skills. It might take most of the summer to get her comfortable in the pool. No worries. Make it so fun and positive that she will beg to come swim! You do need to make sure it is real fear and not just stubbornness. I have had a few kids that were determined to hate it because their parents made them do it. Dealing with that takes a whole other set of skills.
Please note that I said she needs to start in the shallow end where she can stand up with her head above water or on the steps. I do agree that getting over fear can be a hurdle. If water on the face is an issue, you can try substituting showers for baths occasionally. Have the child face away from the water, and gradually turn into it. Make sure to keep soap and shampoo out of the eyes. As was earlier suggested, splashing games can help. And you can use swim goggles, although I would try to avoid them if possible--they take too much fussing with.

Most flotation devices are toys, and should be treated as such, not part of swimming lessons.
I will post pictures later of the pool. It is a very small built in swimming pool. She will let me hold her, however she does stiff up on me. We also have a very small hot tub next to the pool that she likes. My main concern is that her dog will push her in the pool by accident and that is her mothers concern as well. I am going to try the life jacket method. Since it was brought to my attention about the water wings not allowing her to move her freely I did notice that. I got a little talking too last week for being on this sight during work hours. LOL. I am on my lunch hour so I will catch up later. Thank you for all the advice.
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That's how I learned, but I was chucked off a boat into a lake, and he'd edge the boat away every time I managed to flounder my way close to it. All this talk of floatation swimsuits, cartoons, and noodles sounds so nice and peaceful . . .

yeah..right, i know! We had the swim teachers from he&&!
Huh,Pools? huh just got the pool cover off of our pool a couple minutes ago...And yup....The water is brown from all the iron in our water....

If were lucky we might be swimming in it by this weekend...
Army Cor. of Engineer's Bobber the Water Safety Dog cartoons are good- might want to watch them first before you show them to her- they are cartoony but silly and feature dogs getting rescued because they didn't put their lifejackets on. Might make her more scared OR reassure her that as long as you have a lifejacket on ya won't sink.

(Forgot to put the link in- here you go- )
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