Need help with this!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island
Hello everyone-

Well the framing of the coop is done, the boards are waiting to be put on the outside. I plan to insulate and plywood the inside this summer.

The coop is 8x6 and almost this one, , which I know is a potting shed :)

Okay - question that I need help with by friday (5/21) .... I am planning on putting the clear plexi on the longer part of the roof. Here is a link, ,first I was just going to do 4ft but I like the idea of the whole roof being the plexi.
My honey is telling me the chickens will freeze this winter because it won't hold in any heat. I get that but their roosts will be on the other side, they can look at the view while perched :). I intend on putting in heat lamps for them. We live in Northern Rhode Island. it gets cold, but not deep freeze.

My honey will be home tomorrow and I have to have a decision on this or he will just make a solid roof, which I don't want.

Thanks so much!
Plexiglass would be brittle when cold and prone to cracking......although it sounds like you have already made your decisions really. You said "or he will just make a solid roof, which I don't want." What about instead just doing a smaller piece of plexiglass and make it look like a sky light? That is what my wife is asking for, but it just sounds like a lot of work and headache to me.
Well, I hear what you are saying. And yes I have made up my mind. BUT I am open to opinions - my honey on the other hand has been trying to build what HE wants LOL I keep telling him he is the contractor and I'm the client hahaha

As far as the plexi goes, this one is rated for cold temps, can hold a snow load, and is virtually unbreakable.

I just want to make sure my chicks are going to be warm enough.

There is a thread here you can search for about a product called Suntuf. It is a corrugated roofing material that is almost clear. I used a similar material here in France to make skylights into our barn roof. It is quite common here. You might find it at Lowes or Home DEpot. It is made to be in the sun, it is waterproof and easy to work with especially if it meshes with your other roofing material.

First, what would be the point of insulating if you are going to leave a good portion of the roof in flexy, most of your heat loss is through the roof. Second, Have you priced plexy, it's scary what they want for it around here. Third, if you put their roosts on the taller long side, will you have enough room to move around in there to do your chores? Fourth, have you thought about putting a large window, for light and ventilation along the tall wall and having facing the south? That's what I would do, but just my opinion. Lastly, are you even sure you would need insulation in MD? We are in WNY and can have very severe winters. Our coop is not yet complete but we don't plan to insulate as a neighbor who has kept chickens for years didn't see a need for it. He uses a brooder lamp for heat in severe weather.
The coop is plenty tall enough for me to work in. On the east side there will be a 22" window. The west side will have a dutch person door that will also have a hardware cloth screen on the top. Both of those sides will also have a small vent.
I am not sure I will actually have to insulate, I have 10 standard hens and maybe 1 rooster ( if I keep him). I think they will give off plenty of heat on their own and the clear roof will help with solar heat in the winter. We are siding in coop with rough sawn pine boards with batts over the seems.
Did I mention the clear roof is south facing? There are trees around the other sides to help with cooling in the summer so they don't overheat.
We live in RI not MD.

The SUNTUF product is corrugated not plexi. I guess there is a difference. It will cost about $60 to do the roof, the north side will have a traditional 40yr shingled roof.
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I have Suntuff polycarbonate roofing on my coop. Let me tell you my experience. The coop heats up inside on sunny days which is great in the winter. However, when the sun goes down, the heat goes out of the roof..poof!...just like that. So it's just as cold in there at night as it is outside.

In the summer, the daytime heat inside the coop makes it uninhabitable, basically.

If I had it to do over, I wouldn't use the stuff for a closed coop roof.

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