Need Help!!!


8 Years
Mar 1, 2016
Okay so our chicken bubbles previously had sour crop and we got like a big chunk of hay out of her and she crowed and made gurgling sounds for about a day then she showed signs of feeling better. When her crop was very big due to the sour crop she had lost all her feathers on her crop and there were a lot of wounds on it because we didn't know that she had sour crop for a few weeks. Anyway, she kept getting her toe stuck in her crop and today she did it again and she keeps trying to do it. We put like a wrap over it but she just puts her feet up and rip it off. We tried putting a chicken sweater on and that's what we are still doing now but she is only ok if you hold her. If we put her in her cage she just gets her feet stuck in it in hopes of getting to her crop. I'm not sure what I should do if you have ANY ideas let me know. Thanks xx
Okay so our chicken bubbles previously had sour crop and we got like a big chunk of hay out of her and she crowed and made gurgling sounds for about a day then she showed signs of feeling better. When her crop was very big due to the sour crop she had lost all her feathers on her crop and there were a lot of wounds on it because we didn't know that she had sour crop for a few weeks. Anyway, she kept getting her toe stuck in her crop and today she did it again and she keeps trying to do it. We put like a wrap over it but she just puts her feet up and rip it off. We tried putting a chicken sweater on and that's what we are still doing now but she is only ok if you hold her. If we put her in her cage she just gets her feet stuck in it in hopes of getting to her crop. I'm not sure what I should do if you have ANY ideas let me know. Thanks xx
I have gotten no replies :( like I said even if it might be a silly idea any thing helps please !!!

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