Need help!!!

Correct me if I'm wrong ,if she had been eaten something toxic she would be dead or healthy after a week?
Correct me if I'm wrong ,if she had been eaten something toxic she would be dead or healthy after a week?
Some ducks can get through it depending on what the toxin was plant or something dead. But your right eating drinking and other wise acting normal should be indicators that isn't the problem. I am only giving advise your there to determine if it fits for your drake.
The flushes help move the toxin out of the body.

Maybe all your seeing is heavy molt which can make them feel bad. Maybe not bad because we really don't know how they are actually feeling but it takes alot of nutrients to grow those feathers back so making sure he is getting really good feed and supplements is vital through this. My flock gets dried mealworms and poultry vitamins during molt well they get dried meal worms daily but i try to make sure they get extra during molt. and they love meat so they get bits of things like cooked chicken [even my chickens love chicken] When my gander went through his first molt 8 yrs ago now, I thought he was going to die since he was off by himself and just acted like he didn't feel good. Once i started seeing his big feathers falling out I figured out what was going on. Now I see the same thing in all my birds some worse than others, big molt where my chickens look almost naked have the hardest time and need extra nourishment, My ducks just lay around and aren't as active. Sleep alot. My Muscovy ducks are going through molt now and I am constantly looking at them to make sure it's just molt and nothing else. They just aren't as perky.

Best we can do is give supplements and good feed and always be on the look out for something else that maybe going on. Reason I asked if your duck was drake or duck since tail down can also mean egg bound of infection.

Hopefully if anything else is going on with your guy the antibiotics will kick in soon.
We def aren't vets and we can only give advise according to what we have gone through with our birds.
Just wanted to share that my drake who's going through the rough molt is walking better today. He's not back to his old self yet but I think he's well on his way.
@FoodFreedomNow im happy for your drake :)
@Miss Lydia i know, im really thankful for your support and information . Actually its his first molt i just dont know why he's limping and the tail , i know taht nothing wrong with his legs because i saw him yesterday jumping almost 2 feet. I tried apple vinegar too
Im glad to hear any other recommendations
@FoodFreedomNow im happy for your drake

@Miss Lydia i know, im really thankful for your support and information . Actually its his first molt i just dont know why he's limping and the tail , i know taht nothing wrong with his legs because i saw him yesterday jumping almost 2 feet. I tried apple vinegar too
Im glad to hear any other recommendations
Jumping off of the side of something can cause a sprain or injury. I had a nice wide ramp going up to the pool and my Muscovy drake jumped from the side onto the rocks he limped for a week.

ACV is a good tonic for our birds I use it for myself too . I don't think it will cure a limp though.

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