need help!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
i really want to get chickens. i have many questions since im very new at this. where should i buy my eggs? ebay? if i use a mini incubator how many eggs will hatch? is there any way i can keep my chickens without spending $1000 on a coop?
thanks everyone
Well You Can Buy Eggs From ppl on here, they are very nice and Friendly also i heard about EggBid. I use a Lil Gaint still Air incubator with eggturner. A chicken Coop Dont Have to be Fancy Just a Good Safe Enviormeant. Nest Boxs and other stuff u need Are very cheap and easy to build.
thank you so much i really appreciate it. i am so happy and i thing i will get them
ucheeco, Welcome to BYC. Most people who begin with this hobby start with day old chicks that you can order from a hatchery.

Incubation of eggs is possible, however if you are new to all of this you may want to learn about raising new peeps first.

The home page here has some good information to start with.

Being prepared is more important than starting. I suggest you hang around, read alot, ask more questions, and learn some more cause alot of help can be found from all the members here!

Ur Welcome And i forgot but welcome to the best chicken forum on the web. All of these ppl Are really nice and friendly if u need any help everyone here would be more than happy to help you. Good Luck

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