Need Help


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 17, 2012
Southwest Virginia
I put in 29 eggs, 8 hatched and 5 died, 3 remain. Eggs were fresh, temp stayed in the range-99.5-101, humididty 50% until day 18 then I had it around 78-80%. I broke open the remaining eggs and had anything from small embryos to full size chicks that didnt hatch. Im at a loss. Any suggestions.
Check temps with a different themometor, and the temp needs to be steady and not go up and down. Also what are you measuring humidity with? and is that instrument accurate? I have better hatch rates if I don't measure humidity. and if I don't candle alot. Were you hand turning or do you have an auto turner? Still air or forced air incubator?
Well there is a ton of variables. Other than making sure your temp is accurate and when lockdown comes your humidity is up where it needs to be it just could have been a bad hatch. I get those as a matter of fact I tossed out about 18 eggs today because they were on day 25. It happens just don't give up!

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