Need hints for integrating

You should put them in adjoining pens for a while so they can get a good look at each other and accustom themselves to the other group's presence. And then after a week or two let them loose together, but stay close to begin with to make sure nobody is getting seriously hurt. There will be pecking, but as long as blood isn't being drawn you should be fine.
Put out two food and water stations so that the younger chickens can have somewhere to go to eat if they're getting chased away from the main feeder.

Good luck! :)
When I integrate I put the the younger birds in a cage in my hen house. I your case your smaller birds will be much easier. I feel the bantams may be a bit young. I'm finally integrating mine today. They are 6-8 weeks. I have used a baby gate across the corner of a pen on a couple occasions but I'm doing the cage method I described this time not in my hen house but another where the younger chicks are.
I should have told you more about the baby gate. The 1 I use is almost antique so it stretches out long. If you just make a long frame & put wire on it the would be great. You only need the gate for a day or 2.(just across the corner of the run) The others will go around & check things out. I was amazed how easily the babies adapted to each other.
I just finished my integration. Took all day cause I ran into problems & had to make cage repairs. Mine was a major thing involving moving & rearranging many. So glad its done.
Thanks for the advice i ended up doing something like that, I just sectioned off a corner of the henhouse for the babies to use at night, then when the bigger ones go out during the day the banties have the whole thing to themselves. So far it's working fine but we put everybody back today while we went to town (as the run isn't totally predator proof yet) When we got back one little guy was in with the biggies, apparently I either missed one or he flew over the 4 foot barrier!!! Anyway he was fine, (thank goodness) but he was very happy to return to where he belonged.
I've been bringing mine in at night. I'm worried about my smallest bantams. I have some that must be close to 6 weeks that are very small but well feathered. They sure are a happy bunch now. I go by the rule -5 degrees every week in temp for chicks but size matters & its been in the 60s here at night. Just another week or 2 & I won't worry anymore.

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