Need inputs on my chicken coop


7 Years
Feb 9, 2012
Vista, CA
I need help and advice from you because now I have found the right person to make us a coop, I am having trouble with the dimensions. I am going to get 7 chickens (5 standards and 2 bantams) and one of the handyman who could make it is offering one that is 5 by 6.
Do you think it's enough? When I mentioned him I would love to make it bigger ( 8 ft wide, 6 feet height, and 6 ft depth in case I want more chickens on the future) he told me it would be too difficult to transport in case I have to move (we live in a rental home)
So now I am confused because i really want it spacious for them but at the same time i want be able to move it the day I leave. Thank you for your input.
Your instincts are right. Go big. You never know when a storm keeps them locked in for a few days. You never know when boredom strikes. You never know when you might want another bird or two.

Plus, any handyman ought to know that building materials are designed for 4x8. Although, a 6x6 would also be economical to build. Not some other odd size. If you try building something just a little shorter and just a little narrower, you just end up wasting the cut off material anyhow!!! Stick to your guns and/or get someone who will work with you.
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What about 4' wide x 8' long? Then it would fit in the back of a standard pickup truck when you move out.
I guess he could have a point about being able to move it but then that would really depend on you and how long you plan to stay in the home. I guess I'd be a little worried about a contractor who is already starting to waffle before he's even started the work. If you want to go bigger, and need a great plan, I always recommend the Garden Coop. It looks great, it's easy to build, and the plans are step by step so even a novice and certainly any handyman can build it. Their website is awesome with lots of pics from the designer and people who have built it.
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You'd also want to balance the cost of having a person build you a basic 4x8 or 6x8 coop, paying both labor and materials. You really, really, should search for a ready-made lawn barn of a similar size. Home Depot, Lowes, Menards, and many, many smaller sellers market these typical 6x8 or 6x10 type lawn shed/barns.

I've seen them on sale, at close out, etc, at a price that no way you could buy the materials yourself, then a pay someone to do all the labor in constructing it. With these ready to go barns, you simply prep the site, bring it home on a landscape, motorcycle, or snowmobile trailer and Ta Da! Done. At least comparison shop.
He is the handyman of my landlords, so I guess he is going to gave us a "good" deal (we live in southern california). He would charge me $800 for the chicken house (8 by 6 by 6) and for the run (16 by 11) (without the paint). He said he could make it portable (just the house, I would have to leave the run i guess) but he would be very hard to transport it because of the weight (if I do 8 ' W by 4' D by 6' H would it make a big difference?). We know, we will be moving to buy our own place, but when? Don't know yet, and my chicks will arrive in June. Do you think I will be able to undo the house for easier transportation or just carry it on a pick up truck. He said he will do a nice job, something like minus the insulation (i don't think I need it). I am so excited to have chickens but this coop is stressing me out because I really want to have something nice but at the same time be able to bring it with us if we had to leave! I really wanted to get a spacious coop (that is why I do want buy a kid playhouse....) because we are awaiting 7 chickens for different breed (5 standards and 2 bantams) and possibly more in case some die or are roosters (no more that 12 though). I am sorry to complain but I have no experience what so ever in chicken nor construction!!! Thanks guys...
I rent a home also and know of your concerns. When I had my handyman build my coop and run, he built it in two section for the coop and the other for the run. The dimensions altogether are 12' long x 6' wide with a raised coop that measures 4' x 6'. The coop inside measurements are 4' x 6' = 24 sq. ft divided by 7 chickens = 3.42 sq. ft. per chicken. You really should make the coop a bit larger so they have more coop space for the days the weather is too bad to let them out. However, since my run is roofed, the chickens are out in it everyday rain, snow, or shine. They are only in the coop to sleep and lay eggs. The nests are on the outside of the coop which allows for more floor space inside the coop.

With the coop built in two pieces they are movable, however, it would take a flat bed trailer to move them as they are not only large, but also very heavy since the coop and run are all under roof. I've attached a few pics for you to get the idea of my set up. Hope this helps.

Good luck with your new chicken endeavor.

Thank you for the pic. I love your coop and actually I would like something very similar than yours or the one I posted before. I definitely going to keep your post in mind. Thanks again.

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