Need new duckling advice!


11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
So we gave our broody Muscovy 6 fertile Muscovy eggs to sit on(we bought them from a local farmer). They are due to hatch on April 12 or so.
She has 3 left. She has kicked the others out of the nest and they disappeared.

This is our 2nd time doing this. Usually we just buy chicks/ducklings or hatch them ourselves and raise them.

Last time we had our other Muscovy sit on chicken eggs when she went broody. She squashed 1 chick, 1 survived and another one hatched but the flock of chickens and ducks got a hold of it and killed it.

Now.... when/if these 3 eggs hatch.... do we let her have them and hope she protects them within the flock of chickens and ducks?


Do we take them away and raise them ourselves?????

I want to be prepared either way.

And no, we have no other pen to put her in. Raising meat chickens in 1 small and the XL pen is where our chickens, ducks and turkey live.

Considering the survival rate last time you let them do it themselves, I would advise brooding it yourself. Your flock has already been proven untrustworthy with a new hatchling...why risk it again?
I agree with Gigglebox. If you're unable to separate mom and ducklings from the rest of the flock until the little guys are big enough to protect themselves, I'd say it'd be best to pull and hand-raise them yourself.

Also, you can just put up a simple temporary chicken wire fence to protect them for a few weeks or so. Doesn't have to be anything fancy. ;) It's really up to you, though. I like hand-raising myself so they are more friendly and handle-able. ^-^
That is what I thought. It was awful last time and the one survivor ended up being a roo and we can't have roos in PDX city limits so we did it all for nothing.

And I agree with them being more friendly with hand-raising.

We will be doing that then! Thanks!

Guess I will drag the big brooder out again!LOL

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