need opinions and or experience with hatching ordered eggs please


Feb 28, 2016
North Carolina
hello, I need some opinions experience on internet ordered eggs. I've been really interested in an exotic breed of chicken the past few years called Ayam Cemani. They are on the more higher end side of costly chickens which come from Asia I think. I'm looking into possibly getting some in the near future but I would have to order the eggs as I do not wish to drop a good amount of money on a mature pair and might be interested In ordering the eggs online. If that works? has anyone had past experiences with ordering chickens online and what are good sites to order chicken eggs from. which I know there's a high chance these sites probably do not have this breed. please help me out or give me some advice on how I should go about acquiring these chickens if I go through with it.
Thank you,
Ordering eggs can be hit and miss. I have had good hatch rates, and terrible, nothing hatched rates. It's always a gamble. The post office has a lot to do with it too with poor handling of the boxes.

I always see purchasing hatching eggs as a gamble, and I better be ready to have nothing hatch.
I've done many eBay hatching eggs purchases and also ordered eggs from other BYC members from the egg buying forum.

Agree that hatching eggs is a gamble. First it's a risk they are fertilized. Then it's a risk they arrive undamaged. Waiting 21 days to see what was the risk that I'd screw up hatch using the bator or broody. And finally the risk that all the eggs that do hatch will be cockerels.

Our first hatching experiment was 13 White Leghorn eggs since they are cheap and easy to candle. In the end we had six hatch. One chick died within a few days. That left us with five chicks and guess how many were cockerels, yep four. We could have started a line of White Leghorns since we ended up with one pullet.

You might be better off ordering a breeding pair, but I've never done that.
First there is the big likelihood that hatching eggs ordered over the internet are infertile. Then there is the problem you face with eggs laid by weak or grossly inbred, overbred, or poorly fed stock quitting or dying after a few days incubation. This says nothing about the 1000 and 1 ways that things can go wrong in handling and shipping.

If you wish some of these wonder birds find someone within driving distance and travel there to get your eggs as well as view their mothers and daddies. Don't accept any excuses.
someone on Craigslist around jackson tn is giving them away with purchase he has 6
it says buy 2 guinea keets and get a ayam cemani free, just thought I would pass it on :confused:

I have personally been to this breeder. I have chickens from her that are healthy and happy. You can contact her by email to get more information.

Ordering through the mail is a gamble. There are so many things that can go wrong. If you are willing to take the risk of getting no chicks or getting mostly male that is up to you. Those are both possibilities.

I also wouldn't recommend hatching eggs and then breeding from that same hatch. Brother to sister breeding isn't ideal. Dad to daughter is ok but why not get from two different places and avoid inbreeding altogether.

If at all possible, within driving distance to pick up and check out the farm is best. But I know it's not always an option.

I have ordered eggs from a breeder through BYC and was very happy. Had a good hatch rate and healthy birds. More Roos then I wanted but that a gamble no matter how you get eggs. I have not ordered eggs or birds any other way but have heard horror stories.

I do think chicken or hatching egg purchase is buyer beware. If the deal seems to good it probably is. You don't want to focus on price alone. There are cases of you get what you pay for. Do your research on breed and breeder. You've waited for your dream birds. Don't rush now and end up in a nightmare.

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