NEED pic: chickens standing in a row (of various sizes/breeds please)

No 77horses..your babies are cute!!...and i'm sure chicabee will wait for ya to get differant pic(shes nice..
..)..they are just sometimes hard to get!.."lil brats!.. they dont wanna stay still for nothing!...and man!.is that your coop? looks huge!..lucky babies!..
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LOL yes it is pretty huge! We are planning in hatching some fuzzy butts out next spring, so we needed lots of room.

I'm sure Chickabee is really nice!
It just sounded like she was collecting the pics today and then making something, and I really want to get some good pics.
LOL they are VERY hard to keep still! Do you know how hard it was to get a small deer tick off of our little buff orpington pullet's head??!!!
It was right above her eye!
She kept moving her head around constantly! We used those small tweezers. But we got it off after soo many countless tries! I'm sure if we can do that, than we can get our girls to behave. LOL
Cool pictures everyone! The size difference on the potbelly pig and the chickens is very interesting. At first I saw the hens on the red swing and right under it a teeny blue polish and I thought WOW thats one small WCblue polish! Then I realised it was two different pictures.
LOL... I will wait if you want to take some pics agent 77!!

I was doing some work on the thing today. It's coming along nicely!!

It's been so fun. You'll just have to wait!
That would be great, Chickabee!
I will try and get some nice pics by next weekend.
Are you sure that's not too long? That's when I can go to my dad's house again(where the chickens are)
I can't wait to see what you make!

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