Need quiet chicken breeds

My EE is the loudest. my Wynadottes aren't silent, but they are pretty quiet, but I can often hear them from 10-20 feet away, sometimes through the closed window. I can nearly always hear the EE proclaim that she's laid an egg. The first time she did it, we thought something had gotten into the coop and were murdering them.
i have a male australorp and he is always making small noise but for my leghorn rooster he does not even make a noise untill the australop sound the alram of a hawk but most of the time he pretty quite
It seems we have some controversy about Australorps' egg song, but we mostly agree that EE's are quiet. I like my white Leghorn because she has a quiet egg song. At least one of our two RIR's sing/scream an egg song that may get her replaced with an Australorp/EE. I guess we'll have to see for ourselves.
My Salmon Favreols are pretty quiet..even the roosters...they hardly crow. My Sultan hens are too...but my reg or bantam Polish are talkers. My Silkies are singers and talkers....and most of my other breeds. ...
I think it's a crap shoot !! I have 2 GLW's and one of them is the loudest - many times I go out to see if something is wrong ! The other one doesn't talk at all and the SLW never stops talking although it is not annoyingly loud. My two Cuckoo Marans are loud as well and both my Brahmas let us all know what they have done. The only one that I have that is really quiet is my Americauna but perhaps that is only because she can't get a word in edgewise ! Good luck on finding your quiet chicken.
I have Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and Araucanas. They are both relatively quiet they do an egg song for a short time and then they are very quiet. I think most chickens will do an egg song.
Clarify for me, 24279102, what is a GLW?? I'm not an expert yet on abbreviations

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