Need quiet chicken breeds

My Light Brahma hardly makes a sound. Well, I take that back. She does growl a lot. But, it's not an agressive type thing. LOL. And it is hard to hear if you aren't paying attention. Certainly no one on the other side of my fence hears her.

BR is the most talkative and my RIR is loudest as far as decibels... But as a PP stated it's a crap shot. Maybe how much they peep as a chick would be indicative. I think we need a study done!
I know! If one person says its quiet, another says its loud! At least one of my two RIR's sings a loud egg song. I'm not sure which.
Thanks gg706 for the clarification.
I have an Easter Egger and a Lakenvelder. The Easter Egger is very quiet other than the occasional soft cluck and whirring sound, almost like a little bearded robot, she is silent. The Lakenvelder is a hot mess of noise. She actually crows some mornings around 6:30 - 7:00am and has a two hour "egg song" of constant clucks and high pitched yelps until she finally lays. I also think the individual hen as much as the breed determines sound level. I posted a similar thread a little while ago and got a mix of answers.
The thing is, Shadow Rabbit, is that although Silkies seem like awesome birds, we don't want a hen that doesn't lay eggs 90% of the time because of broodiness.
Okay. We are officially rehoming both of our RIR's that have to let everyone know they are laying eggs. Here are the breeds I'm considering:
Brahma (if we can find one!)
Easter egger ( I would also like info on how flighty they are, they could fly next door to dogs!)
and possibly Barred Rock.
Any opinions? The sooner the better!
From what've heard, EEs can be very flighty. I have two bantams and they can easily fly across my yard, and fly up at least 5 feet. One if my EE bantams flew up onto the roof of my one-story house. Mine are sweet, but have not started laying. If you get them and you are worried about dogs, clip their wings because they can and will easily scale your fence. And it's not just the bantams, I have heard the same thing about the standards.
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I don't know, I don't like to clip wings, and I am going to show my birds in 4-H, even my EEs, so I can't clip wings. I'm sure there are a lot of threads and articles on wing clippings though. If you want to clip wings, then they are chickens worth getting!
My one EE flies linearly across the yard at about 4 feet, but she's pretty terrible at going straight up. She occasionally hangs out on the branch they have in the coop that's about 4 feet high but she has to really work up some jumping to get up there.

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