Need run ideas/electric netting


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
I have not visited BYC in a long time, and I'm glad to be back The coop we built several year ago came from so many ideas we liked here. We are moving to a beautiful new farm, which already has a stunning coop, but no run. I thought about free-ranging them. Too much traffic, I have not doneit where I'm at. I have had predator problems here,and where we are moving to is even more remote. The coop itself is very secure, and I intend to lock the up at night. However, I've been given thought to the electric netting sold for chicken run use. Anyone use it? More to keep unfeathered predators out, and the chickens in a relatively good area. I would want to make it as large as can be. So night predators will not be an issue, and I've seen lots of people using these electric mesh enclosures (at Premier1 Supply). Any reasons I SHOULD NOT do this???
I have used the electrical poultry netting from Premier1 and loved it. Never lost a chicken due to a 4 legged predator as long as the netting was up.

Sadly for me a big buck was scratching himself on an old gate that was near my netting and got his antlers caught in the netting. Took 5 game wardens to hold him down and saw off his antlers so he could be free. This happened when the ground was frozen and we had snow. There was no way to buy and put up new netting. Instead I had 5 foot welded wire fencing put up early this spring. I do not think it will be as predator proof as the netting but it is the next best thing at the moment. A couple electric wires might be added later this summer.

I can think of no reasons you shouldn't use the netting.
I have three 165' nets connected to enclose about 1/4 acre pen. I bought from Kencove. I use a 10,000 volt charger. I've had no losses since penning my flock this way.

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